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After that night, I watched over her every time Jacob invited me somewhere. We never actually talked or had any personal contact, except for the times she was past out and drunk...Jacob was a bad influence on her, I let it all slide till that night...

Jacob was being shot at and she...she was there, unprotected, scared out of her mind screaming for help...Or so I thought. I saw her throw a bottle at the shooters.

One of them had spotted her, but I took him out with my gun. I was there, distantly there. Once they all fell I was about to leave when I heard her say something she would regret for the rest of her life:

-"I would give my life away for you Jacob. All that matters to me is that we're together and I won't back out on you. I love you way too much to leave you. I'll learn how to fight by your side. I'll be your ride or die."-

After I heard those words I left.

She was sentencing herself to death...Jacob was never cautious around her nor did he watched over her. She would be the bait in any other situation for him to run away...

I wasn't just gonna cross my arms and do nothing, that's why I just waited for the next night...For my surprise Jacob and Nora we're heading to our dear Mother's wealthy house.

I was hidden and saw Nora approaching the house on her own...This would be the night she would become an accomplice! I couldn't let her do that or the cops would be after her as well...

So I did what I had to do...I injected her and brought her with me to break her toxic bond with Jacob, to set her free and to perform a cleanse to her mind.

Back to present...

-"You see now? Otherwise you'd become a wanted criminal like him and end up in jail cuz he's not careful enough nor does he pay attention to what you do or how you react."-

-"You're...You're my knight in shining armor. I thought I was a dreaming that night!"- She was amazed.

-"So all this time you were there...Taking care of me. What about the mysterious flowers I found with my name on it?"-

-"That would've been me who left them there."- I said lowering my gaze.


-"Yes, half brothers."-

-"He's older than you...I thought it was the other way around."-

-"Are you saying I look like an old man?"- I felt offended.

-"No, no...I mean Jacob looks like a wimp next to you."- She giggles and my self esteem rises.

-"Well maybe that's cuz I'm pretty successful in life, I got a job, I work out and I don't have to be hiding from anyone. Look, I tried giving Jacob a chance, I thought he was a good guy, but the path he chose is just all sorts of wrong and he won't end up well."-

All of a sudden Nora stands up lifts my head up and kisses me.

I pushed her gently away from me.

-"No."- I said as I shook my head.

-"Why not?"- She said with a pouty face.

-"We've kissed each other before."- She said with a flirty tone.

-"Yes, but you were drunk, you didn't mean to."-

-"But now I do."- She smiles.

-"Nora..."- I sighed.

-"You've taken a big step already and I'm very glad you're seeing things clearer now, but that doesn't mean I get to be your rebound."-

-"My rebound?"-

-"After the whole Jacob thing, I think you should try to find yourself first. Do things you like to do and go back to the hobbies you used to do."-

-"You're right, I've lost myself in Jacob, now I have to learn how to love myself first."-

-"Exactly and I'm sure that won't be too hard."- I grinned.

-"I used to like to read and write books."-

-"Get started then."- I point towards a bookshelf.

She smiled, grabbed a book and started reading it.

I left the room giving her time and space.

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