Dear Princess

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At 3:00 in the morning I received a call from an unknown number.


-"Hey man I'm ready to talk, meet me at the crossbows bar."- He ended the call.

He must be drunk...

I arrived at the bar and saw him sitting on a stool ordering another shot.


-"Hey pal, now why don't you tell me more about our dearest mother."

-"I don't think you're in your right mind to talk right now."-

-"I'm my right mind..."- He laughs.

-"Tell me, little brother why didn't she put you up for adoption."-

-"Maybe because she was prepared to have a child by then?"-

-"Your daddy's rich isn't he?"-

-"He...Look Jacob, I'm here now. I can help you out."-

-"I don't want or need your daddy's help."-

-"Where do you work?"-

Jacob takes something out of his pocket and throws it at me. It landed on my lap, it was a small bag of cocaine.

I grabbed it, shoved it under his shirt and started walking away.

-"Hey! You a pussy or what?!"-

I shook my head and left the bar.

Jacob sells drugs. He doesn't want to accept my offer so I guess I'll just let him be.

Jacob kept calling me after midnight, we had conversations and understandings. Sometimes I would hang out with him when he wasn't under any influence...Things got out of hand quickly and he wasn't careful. They gave me a new case at my job and it was about Jacob and his gang. I tried to warn him, I gave him other job options, I offered him money, but nothing would change his mind; so I gave up. I wasn't gonna turn him in, he's my brother and he's suffered enough.

One day I found him at one of the main points where he made his "trades" only this time...He wasn't making any deals...He was kissing this young beautiful girl. She seemed so innocent...Does she even know where she's at right now? Maybe it's a one time thing right?

That's what I thought, but I kept seeing them together in bars and around town. There was so much love in her eyes for Jacob...At first I thought he didn't deserve a girl like her, but after all he's been through maybe she was good for him, maybe he did deserve a chance at happiness with her...That all changed when I saw the way he treated her, he didn't appreciate her, he treated her like a puppet, she would do everything he pleased, yet he didn't care at all, but she didn't notice this cuz she was so in love. I started to feel bad for her...The worst part was when I found out she had moved in with him, they were living in a dump.

One night I found them at the crossbows bar, he was drinking like crazy with other women, they were all around him and he was just laughing.

Then, I found her...Outside sitting on a staircase with a bottle in her hand. You could tell she was drunk...She was wearing a short black dress, the top of it was tight but from her waist down it was loose. It looked like she was trying too hard to impress Jacob, yet he didn't notice her or gave her the attention she needed. There she was, all alone until two men approached her, one grabbed her arms with force.

-"Let go of me!"- She giggled.

The other one grabbed her legs and lifted her up.

-"This ones gonna be a lot of fun tonight."- He chuckled.

-"Let go of her!"- I took my gun out and pointed it at one of them.

-"Hey man, this doesn't concern you."- One of them said still holding her.

-"Put her down and get the hell out of here before I take one or both of your lives."-

I shot my gun near them and I saw them flinch.

-"Now!"- I said firmly.

-"Okay, Okay, geez way to ruin the night."-

They put her down and left.

-"My hero."- She said while looking at me with flirty eyes.

-"Let's get you home...Shall we?"- I extended my hand.

-"We shall."- She smiled while grabbing my hand.

I took her to my car and I drove her to the trashy old place they were living in.

I carried her to her bed and before I could put her down she said:

-"Good night, my knight in shining armor."-

-"Good night dear princess."- I smiled.

-"No kiss?"- She puckers her lips.

-"No, no."- I chuckle.

Then, suddenly I feel her lips on mine.

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