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I heard a knock on the door, I knew it was Damien.

I opened it and let him in.

-"Close the door."- He whispered.

I did as I was told.

He placed the tray of food on my bed and handed me the map.

-"This is where you are right now."- He pointed.

-"There's 3 exits total."- He continued.

-"I wish you...

Damien is interrupted by the loud speakers.


A machine kept saying that over and over again and making an awful annoying loud sound.

There were red lights flashing all over the place.

-"Oh no!"- I looked at Damien worried.

-"He knows..."- Damien looked down at the floor disappointingly.

-"Damien..."- My face frowned.

Suddenly the loud noise stopped.

-"Damien Miller please come by the main office. I repeat, Damien Miller I need to see you in the main office at this time."- Daniel spoke through the speakers.

-"I'm so sorry..."- My eyes teared up.

He was the only person that helped me; that gave me hope in this place.

He nods and proceeds out the door.

After a few hours I hear a knock on my door.

I dry my tears with the bed sheets, get up and open the door.

-"You have a session with me and Olivia."- Said that-son of a bitch.

-"I hate you!"- I punched his chest.

He grabbed my arms.

-"Nora, you will leave; but in the meantime I need you to be here and cooperate with me. I'm not going to leave you in here forever. You will get out of here, but first you need to help me so that I can help you. Don't make this harder than it already is. I know you don't want to be here, but you'll thank me afterwards for doing this."- He said in a soothing tone looking straight into my eyes.

-"Please, come with me."- He extends his arm towards the hall which leads to where Olivia spoke with me the first time.

We walked towards the room, I opened the door and went downstairs.

There she was.

I sat down and looked at her.

-"Hello Nora. How are you feeling today?"-

-"Miserable."- I reply.

-"I see; Let's start by talking about your past. How did it all start? How did you guys meet?"- She asked.

-"I....was a nobody...

1 year ago...

-"Nora, you should enroll in a college and start studying something to become someone in life."- My mom said while holding my shoulders.

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