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I heard a "click" sound and tried opening the door.

-"You're welcome!"- Daniel shouts while staying downstairs.

I got out of there and tried looking for an exit sign or something! There were so many rooms in this building; I've never felt so lost.

All of a sudden I hear someone through the speakers, I recognize his voice immediately.

-"Nora, please go to room 21. Once again, I need Nora to go towards room 21. Thank you."-

Room 21?! I decided I would avoid that number at all costs. I don't know what awaits me in there. Is it a torture room or something?

That's when I saw it. Room 21. There is no way in hell Im going in there!

I bumped into someone, him.

-"There you are."- He gives me a wide smile.

I start running away.

-"Hey, Nora! Your just making this difficult!"- Daniel shouted.

I kept running and I bumped into a lady.

-"You're Nora right?"-

-"Are you going to help me or not?"- I asked.

-"Yes, come with me."- She replies.

She starts walking towards room 21. What the heck?! I thought she was gonna help me, bruh.

I continued walking away and I noticed Daniel didn't make an effort to bring me into that room.

There was no exit sign! Nothing! I only saw staff working everywhere. It was a bit crowded.

-"Excuse me, ma'am?"- A worker asked.

Ma'am?! I'm not old! I'm only nineteen for crying out loud!

I look at him confused.

-"You can't pass through here, it's a work in progress. See the sign?"- He pointed at it.

They were like fixing something in the roof, like connecting some cables or whatever that was.

There was a ladder in the middle of the hall and a man on top of it.

-"Can you help me?"- I asked.

-"No, I'm working."- He replied rudely and proceeded with his work.


I turn around and I see Daniel leaning on room 21's door looking at me, trying to figure out what will be my next move.

I rolled my eyes and walked towards him.

-"I knew you'd come back."- He says while opening the door.

I look inside and it was just a well cleaned and decorated room.

-"Go ahead."-

I went inside and the lady I bumped into earlier was there waiting for me.

-"Take a shower Nora, you need it. It's been around twenty four hours and your starting to smell."- Daniel said while waving his hand around his nose.

-"Alice is there to keep an eye on you, so that you don't try to escape once again."-

-"Hello Nora, I'll be your assistant and waiter today."- She said with a calm tone.

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