My Story

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A few days past by, Nora finished reading a book and she was so excited, telling me about every single detail of it. She spoiled the whole book, thanks to her now I know how it ends.

We went out to restaurants, beaches and parks. We had fun and got to know each other more.

She took care of herself, showered, brushed her hair and started to wear very flattering clothing. It's like she's a different person all of a sudden, after she had learned the truth. She finally opened her eyes and now I want her to see the whole world from another perspective.

She's such an innocent sweet girl...

-"Daniel."- I was interrupted from my thoughts.


-"Thank you."- She brushed a strand of her hair behind her ear.

I smiled.

-"You know, I knew this day would come."- I held her hand in sign of assurance.

-"I remember you used to tell me I would thank you."- She chuckled.

-"How're you feeling?"-

-"So much better, I feel like a big weight has been lifted off me."-

-"I'm glad to hear that."- I smiled.

-"I do need you to see Olivia one last time."-

-"Of course! I'll pour whatever's left of him out of my chest."-

-"Are you comfortable with that?"- I raise an eyebrow.

-"This time, yes. I want to get rid of any other memory I have left of him."-

-"I'm very proud of you."- I rub my fingers against her cheek softly.


We headed out as soon as we were ready. I noticed Nora brought the other book she started to read with her and that made me smile.

We made it to my business company and we made our way to Olivia's official office, instead of that basement; we only went down there cuz I didn't want any distractions around Nora at first, but now I'm confident she'll cooperate with us.

-"Wow! Big changes Nora! You look beautiful."- Olivia said with a big smile on her face, she was impressed.

-"Thank you, you too."- Nora blushed and tried looking the other way.

-"So Nora, do you want to start this time? Is there anything you want to tell us? Anything you want to dispose of?"-

-"Yes, I want to finish my story...

A women had warned me about Jacob, she was my neighbor...Before we started our relationship, she texted me through Facebook:

-Are you going out with Jacob?-

I realized she must've seen my recent change of profile picture. I had uploaded one where I was with him all couple like.


-Look, I'm telling you this because I care about you. My niece went out with this guy and he wasn't good for her, he messed with her head. He looks for nice innocent girls to turn them into what he wants. She didn't come out as she was from that relationship, he lied to her, he manipulated her, he hurt her...Stay away from him for your own good.-

I read the message and felt scared at first, but I asked Jacob if he was going to hurt me...Of course he said he wouldn't...He denied every word that women said...So I ignored the message and avoided my neighbor. Then later on when we we're deeper in our relationship he confessed he had hurt her niece.

Back to after that "incident" in his secluded place he tried touching me again, I tried to stop him, but he was so strong...I wasn't able to keep his hand from reaching closer to my genitals. He just kept climbing closer and closer, even though he knew I didn't want him to. He reached my lady parts and started touching me. I froze and in that moment I knew there was no going back. He had already touched me. At the time I was also experiencing something new and enjoyed it, but was also very afraid and confused. After that, he began touching me even more and more. He kept telling me he wanted to make me feel good and "oh so loved." I became attached to him in a deeper level. I had given my body and my heart to this guy. I was so afraid of losing him afterwards, I didn't want to be alone. I didn't want people to see me as a slut either. My only remedy was to be with him forever, no matter what. He knew every inch of my body. I didn't want anyone else touching me if it wasn't him; my first love. I wanted to stick with him till the end, that way I wouldn't be giving out my body just for waste. I was very conservative. I wouldn't lend my body to just anyone. I had to be his forever or I would lose my dignity and everything I stood for. From that moment on; I was like his prisoner. He had extreme jealousy issues...He would tell me what to wear and what not to, he wouldn't let me talk to other guys at all. I couldn't have any guy friends cuz he would be pissed at me; He even made me delete every single guy I had in my social media's friends list. The center of my whole life revolved around him. I began to live for him...He was my world; literally. I had no social life...I would only talk to him and him only. Meanwhile he would be able to talk to girls and have them in his social media's friend list. I thought it wasn't fair, but I let it slide cuz I didn't want to form an argument...That's another thing; we used to argue a lot...About the most meaningless things. My parents overheard us arguing through the phone all the time, to the point where they both despised him. He would make me cry most of the time and I would tell my parents they were tears of joy; they didn't believe me, they knew what was really going on...My dad threatened Jacob once, he didn't want to see me suffer for a guy that didn't shred a tear for me. He then didn't let me see Jacob or go out with him...Jacob got so mad, he wanted to eliminate my parents...He was part of a gang; he told me he could send them to kill my dad at any moment. Jacob knew where we lived and he also knew my fathers face very well, he would just describe him and the rest of the gang members would know who he was. I was so afraid, I loved Jacob, but my parents were in the way...So I decided to run away instead; that way there was no harm done to anyone. I met up with Jacob and we both ran away together. His aunts and uncles would recibe us at any time and they were very nice by giving us a roof for a while, but we couldn't stay there so we kept moving here and there...Until one of his uncles told Jacob about this place, it was a dump, but we could live there for free, just us; it belonged to Jacob's great grandmother, so we accepted the offer. Jacob sold drugs and stole plenty of stuff to save enough money for a house or an apartment for us. I would stay away from the streets, he would do all the dirty work. He was never caught; till that night...

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