Abnormal Love

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I grabbed the gun and pointed it at him.

-"Who are you?! Let me out of here now!"- My hand was shaking.

Daniel effortlessly takes the gun out of my hand, shakes his head and looks at me with disappointment.

He then heads out, closing the door behind.

He has feelings for me...

Why though? Who is this Daniel? Have we met before? We must've, but I would never kiss another guy if it wasn't Jacob! He must've taken advantage of me! Maybe I was drunk one day or who knows he injected me with something else and kissed me without my consent! I'm locked up in this place by a kidnapper! A lunatic! He doesn't want to help me! He wants me!

I was so afraid...Thoughts kept running through my head till I fell asleep.


This love isn't normal...There's no way a girl could love a guy that much...So much she'd die for him, so much she'd trade her family for him, so much she'd grab a gun and try to kill someone, so much she'd go to prison for him? There's something wrong here and I'm gonna get to the bottom of it.

Martha McConnell.
Known as a common "witch" in her town and hand reader; Also Jacob's legal guardian.

I traveled to her known location and was just inches away from her house. I looked through the window and saw her chanting with a female's shirt in her hands.

I knocked on the door.

-"Oh! Hello."- She said opening the door.

I took my badge out and showed it to her.

-"I need to research the area ma'am, excuse me."-

I entered the old looking house and saw the shirt she put down next to a picture frame facing downwards. I lifted it up and I was right...Nora. I looked back at Martha with disgust. I grabbed the shirt and the picture frame.

-"Jacob put you to the task didn't he?"-

Martha kept silence.

I left the house and went back to where I came from.


In the morning, room service came in and brought me a tray full of food.

They left the room and closed the door.

I wasn't feeling hungry, I was anxious...

I approached the door, opened it and realized there was no one watching me...Well of course the whole place was on lockdown; all exits are closed.

What about if there's a fire emergency? They won't let anyone inside. They'd have to open the emergency doors...

I looked around the room once again and was relieved to see a stove and a fridge.

I turned the stove on high and grabbed the cooking oil and spread all over. I grabbed the first foods I saw and just threw them on the stove.

Smoke was rising and I noticed the fire alarm.


I opened the door and closed it behind me.

I ran towards the direction everyone was going to.

This is my chance.

The door was open!

It was open!

I ran to the outside and didn't stop.


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