A New Person

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-"How do you feel about that night now?"-

-"I feel grateful I didn't die."

-"How do you feel about Jacob?"-

-"Hearing his name makes me want to barf, like literally."- She gripped onto her chair.

-"I did so much for that guy...He didn't deserve all the love I gave him."-

-"You know Nora, many people have sex with others until they find the one. You never know when a relationship is going to work out; you can't attach yourself to anyone. So don't feel like you did something bad, cuz u didn't. It's normal to have sex in a relationship, temptation is there and all. So don't feel like you owe your body to someone just cuz they touched it, it's your body, no one else's. You decide what you do with it. You decide what to wear on it, you decide to walk away with it or stay."-

-"You're right, I couldn't agree more...Thank you."-

-"Anytime darling, I'm glad to see you progressing."-

We left Olivia's office and I took her to her new room.

-"Nora, you still have to take a final test before you leave this place."-

-"No problem, I'm sure I'll ace it! Where is it?"-

-"Not where, when. When are you going to take it? Depends, it'll be like more of a pop quiz. It'll just pop out of nowhere."-

-"Really? A pop quiz?"- She had a bored expression on her face.

-"Once you pass it, you're out of here okay?"-

-"Okay."- She rolled her eyes.

As soon as I was about to close the door, she stopped me.

-"Don't go."-

-"You want me to stay?"-

She pulled me in and closed the door behind me.

-"Put your gun aside."-

I looked at her very confused.

-"I want you to trust me, now put your gun aside. You can hide it if you want, I won't look."- She covered her eyes with a smile.

What is this girl scheming? I squinted my eyes with that thought, but I did as she told me to, I put my gun away. I wanted to see where this was going.


-"Done?"- She giggled, made her way towards me, placed her hands behind my neck and then pressed her lips against mine.

I couldn't resist her, so I kissed her back.



-"Just kiss me."-

I wrapped my arms around her and pressed her against my chest.

She gasped and kept kissing me.

-"Nora, we have to stop."-

-"I don't want to."-

-"Me neither but..."-

-"I'm ready Daniel, I know what I want...you."-

-"Nora."- I sighed.

-"What do you want?"- She whispered.


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