My lil' Saul Hudson

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Heyy bitchess,

SO this is a rewritten chapter, keep in mind this was my first imagine ever written so it isn't too good still.



"Hey, Y/N?"

"Yeah what's up Saul?"

"I'm heading to the studio, are you gonna get some sleep? Cause you look like shit."

Well thanks, I'm just so tired. And for the record, I'm still adjusting to the time difference."

He smirks and walks to me, "And babe work on your Englisch your accent is really the worse." He gives me a soft and loving kiss on my forehead.

"Ew Saul, your kisses are so wet!" I yell, "And sorry that I'm from Norway and you're not!"

He laughs and gives me another kiss on my head, I cup his face with one hand and boob his nose with the other hand.

He gives me an unpleasant look and smirks at me, he wraps his arm around me as I lay on the couch. A tickling feeling comes up in my stomach. I let my hands rest around his neck and snuggle my head in his curls.

We sit there for a while, holding each other tight. Then he looks up at the clock, "Fuck sweetie I gotta go, I'll catch u later."

"Bye Slasher." He runs out the front door and smashes it shut. It is a loud bang and then it is completely quiet again in the big house. I've lived with Saul for over a week now, I ran away. From everything, my parents, my family the places where I felt safe. I couldn't stand it anymore, I've moved all of my life. I was most of the time 3 months in one place and then moved again.

I never made the effort to make friends, cause at the end of the road they were always gone. But with Saul it was different I've always had contact with him, he was always there for me and never leaves me. And here I am in his house in L.A. trying to make money to buy my own house.

Saul has always have been so nice to me, I've always felt something different for him. Something special, his hands that are always exactly fitting into my hands. His curly hair where I like to bury myself when I feel sad or alone. My eyes get heavier and heavier. Before I know I'm in a deep sleep.


I wake up from loud sounds that seem to come from the kitchen, I get up and sit straight. I look and see the band, drinking and talking to random other girls probably some groupies.

Saul sees that I'm awake and walks up to me holding a beer for me. Surprisingly the band follows too. They all sit down and start chatting with each other, in the meanwhile I was watching tv laying with my head on Slash's lap. His hands were all over in my hair.

I pretended that I was watching tv cause the chick next to Slash was constantly trying to catch his attention. I got up to get another beer. When I came back I saw that chick all over Slash. It got me so annoyed she was touching my man!

I walked over to the couch they were on and sat back on Saul's lap. The chick looked surprised and left Saul for Axl. A grin appeared on my face cause finely the bitch was gone.

Conversations started to die, and everyone was looking around getting bored and wanting not to be here. It got to the point that there was an awkward silence, I still sat on Slash's lap, and he was burying his face in the crook of my neck.

I could see from the corner of your eye that Axl looks up and that he is watching everyone. His face stood like he could snap something at any moment. Without noticing it I was staring at him, observing his face.

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