Living the American dream

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This chapter is written for @xspacechildxx , please go check him out. He makes amazing stories and he is also very nice.


There I was finally after that long period of pain and misery, I felt so happy more than I ever had done in my entire life.

I grew up in a loving family with lots of support and love. But when you really need them they aren't there for you, they kick you out and never want to talk to you again.

I always remember my youth in dresses being nice to everyone and smiling at everyone. But deep inside I knew that I didn't want to do that, I wanted to wear jeans, I wanted to be badass, and not want to live the American dream.

Popcorn and I lived across the street from each other, he is my best friend, my only friend. But our friendship is worth more than gold. I can remember the day like it was yesterday, I had a fight with my mom, about me being (transgender). I always needed to be like a woman but I didn't feel like a woman, I always have been more like a boy but she wouldn't accept me like I was. When I told my mom, I knew it for sure, I was born in the wrong body.

I couldn't take it anymore, I climbed out of my window, I fell harshly onto the ground. "Fuck that hurt," I complain

I stoop and run quickly past the window where my mother and father are watching TV. I cross the street, to Steven's house, I go through the back. I see that his window is open, it is also evening already. I grab a stone that is on the path and throw it into his room. Soon I see a blonde head smiling at me, his happiness makes me sad.

He sees me almost crying, so he jumps out of his window. He lands next to me, he gets up and he wraps an arm around me. Pulling myself closer to him, I can feel his breath while I snuggle my head in his neck. After a short moment, I look him in the eyes. I see now sadness in his eyes too.

"Stevie let's go take a walk in the park."

He knows, and we start walking towards the park, his arm is still wrapped around me, holding me tight. We sit down on a bench somewhere, he pulls me halfway on his lap.



"You love me however I am right?"

"Of course, Did .. did you tell your mom about you being trans."

I did, she didn't expect it. "

"She kicked me out."

He doesn't know how to respond and I feel his head moving and he rests his chin on my head.

He sights and he starts talking

"Gavin... I'm 18 and you are turning 18 this week too, let's just get the fuck outta here, we both don't wanna be here anymore."

I look at him, my eyes get a little shimmer. I nod and I say:

"Popcorn if we go away I can finally be myself and I can have a fresh start."

"But where are we going then?"

"Let's go to fucking L.A., you can there be who you wanna be and I can finally be a drummer."

I cup his face, I'm looking excited. And I say: "Stevie, let's leave when I turn to action, that same fucking night."

"That's a plan!"


The day when I and Steven are leaving, I throw my bags full of clothing out my window, Steven catches them and throws them in his car. Then I look around my room if I forgot something, I looked at the note I left for my parents. The note said:

Mom, dad I'm leaving with Steven, where I don't know yet. But I'll promise I'll be safe with him.

I jump out my window, I get in the car, I take one last look at the house I grew up in. Steven asked: "Are you ready to leave?"

I look at him and say excitedly "Yes I am, let's go!"


And there I am laying down in a hospital bed, I'm about to get my top surgery. Things changed a lot when Stevie and I moved to L.A., he is having worldwide success with his band called Guns N' Roses.

Me, I'm having the time of my life, I completely changed myself into a man. The only thing that needs to be done is my top surgery.

I never heard anything from my mom or dad again, It hurts me very much cause I love them very much and they just abandoned me like I'm nothing.

The doctor comes up to me and asked: "Are you ready?"

"Hell yes, I am!"

Okay, he grabs a mask to put me to sleep. This is not gonna hurt you'll feel anything. He puts the mask on my mouth and nose.

I feel myself getting tired and bit by bit my eyes are closing, my lost thought when I go to sleep, after that I'm a complete man. With that thought, I fall asleep.


I wake up, I open my eyes. My eyes need some time to get used to the light, but once I am used to it, I see almost everything clearly. The doctor comes up to me and asks me a couple of things, I say everything is alright.

He asks: "Are you ready to see people?"

I know, he walks to the door and opens it, he says something to the people that are standing outside. Then he lets them in, Steven storms up to me and kisses my forehead.

Then the other boys walk into the room, all smiling at me and complaining about the doctor, that he was exaggerating. I smile back at them, in the meanwhile Stevie has sat himself down on my bed, he grabs my hand carefully and caresses it. The other boys all took a seat somewhere in the room. Stevie still caressing my hands asks me: "Are you feeling alright Gavin?"

"I'm feeling fine, just a bit lightheaded. You know I still haven't take a look at my chest. Axl would you mind grabbing the mirror for me?'

He grabs the mirror that's laying on a table, he hands it to me. I'm getting nervous, this is the moment I've been waiting for all my life. I start to open the buttons of my t-shirt. It is hard to do cause everything hurts so bad.

"Do you need help?' Izzy says when he sees me struggle.

"Yes, can you help me please?"

"Ofcaurce sweetheart." He carefully opens up the buttons of my hospital pj's. My dress is half unbuttoned right now, Izzy stares at my chest as the other boys do to. Their mouths are at that point to fall open of surprise.

"Guys please stop staring it makes me really nervous, please just stop," I add.

Sorry Gavin, but it just looks so pretty. There are scars and you can see them, but your chest turned out so beautiful." Axl said.

Slash grabs the mirror from my bed he holds it above my chest and then he and asks: "Are you ready?"

I swallow a lump through my throat, I nod and close my eyes. Steven grunts my reaction a bit, he cups my face carefully with one hand and he says with his sweetest voice:

"Gavin it turned out beautiful, I know you are scared but you don't have to be scared. You wanted this to be live, now the time is finely there, please don't be scared."

I open one eye but I don't look in the mirror first I look at Steven, I give him the sweetest and happy smile I own. Then I look in the mirror and I burst out crying. It really turned out as I wanted. Finely I felt like a real man.


I hope everyone liked it. Some parts like in the hospital don't make any sense cause I don't know how the hospital works in scenarios like this, I've never been in a hospital so I did the best I could. I just wanted to let you guys know and don't forget to vote and check @xspacechildxx out.

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