Swallowing a bullet - Duff x Izzy

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Hey bitches,

Big thanks to -dyermakerr , thank you so much for giving me this idea!! ❤️

A story about drunk Duffy confessing his feelings a bit overdramatic.

(Drug warning)



I walk over to the bar to order again a bottle of vodka, I can feel the bass of the loud music hitting me til deep in my bones.

I get my bottle, and I feel that I need to throw up. I run as fast as I can with my drunken ass to the bathroom.

I bend over the toilet and vomited what feels like all of my insides out. The taste is fucking gross, I spit in the fucking toilet, I pick up the bottle and bring it up to my mouth drinking it with big gulps.

I try to stand up, it's working but I'm very unstable, I step into the club again holding onto wherever I can hold on to. I take a step and then a gulp of the bottle.

Step and drink, step and drink, I repeat this process again and again until I get greeted by a bunch of groupies around Axl giggling the shit out of themselves Axl off, Steven smiling and having the best time of his life while shoving our last bit of money in strippers their underwear, Slash trying to get drunk. And then we have Izzy the sober one of us... The one who thinks of everything before he makes an action.

His eyes are peeking through his greasy black hair, which looks like he hadn't washed it in weeks You can see that the roots are growing out cause his hazelnut brown hair is jumping out.

He always has this caring look on his face when I show up, I noticed that. I like it that he does that, it makes me feel special, better than all the persons whoever he fucks without feeling, just for the pleasure.

I've watched him too many times, every time I watch him I get more obsessed with him. The way he always style's his hair before the concerts, the way his eyes stare at me like I'm crazy,

"Duffy boy wanna take a picture?"

I get out my world of thoughts, to the real world. Seeing that we're staring intensively at each other right in the eyes. I don't respond and take another sip of vodka. I playoff next to Izzy on the big sofa.

I drink and drink till the bottle is empty and there's no drip in it anymore. I get up to get a new one, but Izzy grabs my arm and pulls me back on the couch. I don't have any power in myself to fight back, I fall back onto the sofa. With my head on Izzy's lap.

Fuck the last place I wanna be right now, close to the thing I want, I need. I frown my eyebrows and look mad at him, "Izzy what the fuck lemme get my fucking vodka."

"I think you had enough, you can barely even walk."

"Leave your fucking nose outta my goddamn business." I get really pissed off by him, cause the look on his face makes me wanna punch him real hard.

I try to sit up again but my attempt to do it fails halfway through, so I fall back onto his lap. Izzy bucks his hips forward cause of my action, I feel that cheeks are beginning to turn red, butterflies in my stomach, and a tickling sensation in my hips. I can see through his thick messy hair that he is blushing too.

I quickly try to get up and Izzy helps me pushing my back up. I panic and try to find my only option out, vodka. Fuck the bitch is empty, I search for something else to make me less panicking.

Nothing there, then I remember. The coke in my pocket. I search my pockets, nothing. I search again and then I find it, a little back full of white powder.

I open it and make a line on the table in front of me. I sniff it all at once, leaving lots of white powder on the insides of my nose.

I do it again and again. At one time I stop and let myself fall back into the sofa. Izzy is looking at me like I'm a freak, I feel like I have so much power, like I can handle anything.

I can't handle his awkward staring, I turn my head and I say with no remorse, "Boy watcha looking at, liking this pretty face?"

It looks like he swallows what looks like a bullet. "Duff you're the one that is drunk and fucking spacing."

"I know but don't ya like this." I sit closer to him, and I lay my hand on his thigh.

He pushes my hand away and sits further away from me. He looks me right in the eyes very mad, "Keep your paws by yourself fucking faggot."

The power of the drug is embracing me and I feel like I own everything, like I'm so powerful. But the drug also has a side effect it makes me see the world so ugly, cruel and it hits me hard.

"Izzy- Izzy- Izzy, you think you're so much smarter than everyone, that's the thing I love about you, buy it keeps you just so far away from everyone. I know you're the one that developed feelings for me a couple of months ago, so don't even dare to call me a faggot. I was thinking that I loved you, but now I realize that I can never love someone like you." With those words, I get up and walk home.


Light is peeking through the curtains annoying me ass fuck. I can't remember anything from last night only flashbacks snoring. I have a huge headache. My feet touch the cold floor, I open the door and see Axl in the hallway just laughing at me, then he turned away. I think about him, maybe he was just drunk or something.

I walk to the kitchen, and I see there standing my precious half-empty vodka. I open the bottle and take a big gulp, that's exactly what I needed.

I see a black-haired man coming into the kitchen and leaving immediately. He gets upstairs and disappearing into his room.

After my breakfast of vodka, I walk over to his room. I knock on his door, no answer, I knock again but still no answer. I open the door, I see Izzy laying down on his bed, his head pushed into a pillow and holding it tight.

I walk over to his bed and I sit down on the edge of the bed. I rub softly over his back, "Iz are you awake?" I whisper.

"No" he says back, he turned his whole body away from me. I get the feeling that I did something, "Izzy did I do something wrong?"


"What did I do wrong?" I fully sit down on his bed and I grab his hand caressing it softly.



"Do you remember anything from last night?"

"No, just flashbacks from snorting coke." Izzy sits up, showing his face full of rolling tears.

"Oh no, Izzy what did I do." I carefully remove the blanket his tears, he lets his head rest on my shoulder, holding each other's hands.

"You-you said I was a bitch and a faggot and you said that you can never love someone like me." My heart breaks apart from those words, Izzy starts crying again. I put my arms around him, and he sobs in my arms.

"Iz can I be honest with you?"

He looks up at me tears filling his eyes up again, he nods in response.

"I always kinda loved you, but when I found out you liked me too I got scared and that's why I was such a bitch to you lately, I didn't wanna know the fact I was in love with you too."

I pause for a moment and gather all my courage up, "Izzy I love you."

He looks up at me crying hysterical, "Duffy I love you too."

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