Kissing in the rain - Axl Rose

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I felt wrong like I shouldn't be here, but why am I here? You are asking yourself. I was at a party, I didn't know where cause you were drunk and very tired. I watch Duff and Popcorn getting high, didn't know why but I was so annoyed by it. I wanted to go outside to find my boyfriend Slash and to smoke a cigarette. I stand up and started walking to the garden. There were people everywhere, I was so tired. I pushed everyone aside. I suddenly felt very sick and light in my head, fuck I think "I have to puke." I run to the toilet as fast as I can. The entire content of my stomach comes out. I am sitting on the floor with my head bent over the toilet. I feel that someone has sat down behind me and he carefully removes the locks that are in the way from my face. I look back and see Axl sitting there, I did not know he could be so caring.

"You okay sugar," he asks.

"Fuck no, I feel so dizzy."

"Take it easy."

"Where is Slash I wanna see him so badly?"

"Outside I think."

I'm trying to get up. With little success, I fall. Fortunately, Axl strikes me.

"Do I need to help you find Slash?" He says

"Yes please"

He grabs me by the arm, slowly we start walking, we push ourselves through the group of people until we are outside.

I look around but I don't see Slash, I start walking around. I see an alley, he must be smoking a cigarette there. I drag Axl with me, we walk to the alley. We hear someone moan: Yes Slash, right there. I don't know what I am hearing and I start walking faster to the alley. And then I see him.

They were doing it against the wall of the fucking alley. I didn't know what to do anymore, I got tears in my eyes but I didn't want Slash to see me like that. I started running, I couldn't fucking take this anymore.

Axl POV:
Fuck new she is running away, that mutherfucking asshole Slash now I need to gonna take care of her. I start running behind her. Damn, she runs fast when she mad.
I run right behind her, close enough to hear her cry/pant. I grab her by her neck skin so she can't run away anymore.
Because I'm holding on to her she can no longer run, she stumbles over her legs. She falls, but because I'm holding on to her I fall too. But on her.
We are laying down on the ground, I'm on top of her.

I get up, and I help her up. She's close to me now. She looks at me with her deep blue eyes, she has those eyes where you can get lost so beautiful they are. She breaks the eye contact and steps back.

"Ax, can I stay the night at your house?" She asks.

"Of course Sweetheart."

"Let's go then."

She begins to walk down the path, she turns her head in my direction and asks: "Are you still coming?"
I smile at her and I say: "Yes but you're going the wrong direction."
She smiles through her tears and walks towards me. We start walking and I pull her close to me, I put an arm around her neck and kiss her on her head. She needs to smile and she puts an arm around my back. I see the tears slowly disappear from her face, it makes me happy that she feels happy/safe with me.

I stop walking for a second and look up to the sky, the stars are really pretty tonight. She sees me looking up to the sky and she looks up to me.

She is so fucking pretty, I always wanted her to be mine but she had Slash.

We stood there for a second. She let go of me and walked to the grass and the layed down. I followed her action and played down to. Our heads were really close I could hear her breath. It was quiet we both didn't speak, but the silence was not an awkward silence it was a good feeling silence.

She turned her head towards me and said: "The sky is so fucking pretty tonight."

Look at all those stars they are so beautiful, but all of those stars are not as beautiful as you are. I was shocked by my words, I was not supposed to say that, it just blew out of my mouth.
I was scared of what she was gonna say back, or mabey she would leave.

She said nothing back and sighed softly, so soft that I could barely hear it.
She looked deep into my eyes, she came closer to me and put an arm around my waist. She put her head in my neck and she said: "You know Ax all the time I was with Slash he has never said anything so sweet to me. You have always taken better care of me and you are always so sweet to me.

I did not know how to respond to those words so I just kissed her forehead softly.

It started to rain, not annoying but actually quite nice, it was a little spring rain. I sat up because the rain fell straight into my face. Because she played on top of me and I sat up she sat up too. She looked up at me and she gave me a little kiss on my mouth. She tasted so sweet and her lips were so soft. I wanted to kiss her again, it felt so good. I carefully cupped her chin and said: "May I do that again sugar?"

She did not answer and kissed me. The kiss was so soft and so long it was amazing we did not break the kiss. I carefully let my tongue slide over her lips she understand the hint and opened her mouth a little bit, I took the change and I let my tongue slide into her mouth. She tasted so sweet and she was so soft. Out tongues found each other and we made little circles, we fought a little about the dominance but I gain it. The kiss was so tender and passionate. She pulled away from the kiss.

I could see that she was in doubt whether she should continue with the kiss or whether she should stop. The rain was making her completely wet in the meantime. She looked at me deep in my eyes and pushed back and sat down on my lap again. She cupped my face carefully and ground me to kiss me again. I let my hands rest on her hips and kissed her back our tongues found each other again and we start to lick each other's tongues.
She moved closer and closer with her hips to my meanwhile hard cock. In the meantime, the kiss was becoming very passionate.

She moved away from my lap and she: "Shall we go to your house, I am getting completely wet." Those words made me chuckle and they said back: "Are those the only things that make you wet or is there something else?"

She had to blush because of what I said, she got up and she held out her hand out to me, I grabbed her hand and climbed up. We started walking home. We arrived home, I put my key in the front door and opened the door. "Ladies first."

She smiled at me and she walked inside. She took off her shoes and walked inside. After I had finished stretching my shoes I also entered the living room. I saw (YN) staring open-mouthed at the couch. I frowned my eyebrows, I could not believe who was sitting there.

Hii, Guys I hope you enjoyed this story. Please comment and vote for this story. And I wanna make a part 2 of this story, would you want that, please let me know

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