Kissing in the rain - Axl Rose (part 2)

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I was so happy I could stay at Axl's he is always so nice to me and I can always count on him. I just could not look at Slash right now after what he had done. I am so mad at him. I walked into the living room and there he sat on the couch. I could tell that he was drunk and full of heroin.

"(YN) there you are, I was looking for you. Why did you run away from me?" He asked.

I looked at Axl who was standing next to me. I gave him a look like "What the fuck is happening?"

He looked back at me, gave me no facial expression, and said to Slash. "Dude, do you remember what happened like 2 hours ago?"

"No, I just came here to get my girlfriend back, why is she doing with you." Slash turned his head to me and asked: "(YN) are you cheating on me?"

I started crying, Slash stood up from the couch and started walking towards me. I didn't know what to do anymore so I just stood there crying.

"(YN) answer me. Are you cheating on me?" I saw his eyes getting bigger with hate and frustration.

Before I could react Axl step up for me and he started yelling at Slash. "Dude we just caught you fucking a whore in an alley. What are you thinking to get your act together man."

"No one tells me to get my fucking act together." He yelled. "(YN) I'm so sorry, please forgive me."

Axl protected wrapped an arm around me. Slash saw it and went nuts.

"Get your fucking paws off my girlfriend!"

"Dude look at what you have done, she is not coming with you and she is not your girlfriend anymore."

Slash stepped closer to Axl, he was getting mad. Axl saw it and stepped also closer to Slash.

"You're not gonna tell me what I need to do, and you do not decide if she's my girlfriend so fuck of will ya. She can make her own choices and she doesn't need you for that!"

Axl's eyes were getting bigger and darker, his voice was getting deeper and he started angry whispering. "If she can make her own choices then it was her choice to kiss me, and then it was also her choice to leave you."

Slash line was crossed, he raced his hand to hit Axl. But (YN) saw what was coming up so she stepped between them, but it was too late. She felt a hand punching her in the face, she fell aside and passed out.

* A couple of hrs later *

I woke up in a huge, soft bed, I needed a couple of seconds to realize what just happened. My head started spinning and a huge headache came up. The door opened and Axl stood in the door opening.

"Good your awake, how are you feeling?" He asked.

I didn't answer his question and I just looked up to him: "Axl did I just lost Slash?"

He looked down to the ground: (YN) I don't know, I'm sorry that I got mad and lost my shit."

"Axl what happened?"

"(YN) please don't get mad at me. He swallowed something and looked up at me. When you passed out I started screaming at Slash real loud, and I punched him in the face. He left right after that."

The sight and looked me in the eyes. I started crying. He walked up to the bed sat down next to me and wrapped an arm around me.

"(YN) please don't be mad, I'm so sorry."

"Axl I'm not mad at you, I.. I.. just don't know what to do anymore."

"It's okay honey, you can stay as long as you want."


"What is going on sweetheart?"

"It's just I never really truly loved Slash, I just needed someone to take care of me, love me, and to help me. What am I gonna do without him?"

Axl's eyes were starting to get watery and he started crying without making a sound. I had never seen him cry. His arms were still wrapped around me, his grip was getting tightener, it was not annoying. It felt nice, I could feel he loved me.

"(YN) I'm sorry, but you need to know (he stopped for a moment, he cupped my face and looked me deep in my eyes) I.. I.. will always take care of you. And I'll always love you.

I can't look at it anymore, the love and affection he showed to me were unreal, no one has ever looked at me like that. I couldn't resist it anymore. I came a little bit closer to his face, I could feel his heartbeat and his warm breath touching my skin. He got the hint and kissed me soft and passionate.

"(YN) I know this is too soon but I love you."

"I love you to Ax."


Sorry, this is such a short chapter, I just felt like it should end right here. 

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