The phonecall - Axl Rose

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So this is a short chapter but I consider it as one of my best works yet :)

+Lemme know what u think of the story

So the story was a request from IveLOSTmYsHOe5 thank uu for requesting.


It was a cold night in November, rain pouring uncontrollably from the sky. I stayed in the mansion Axl and I lived in together. The house gave off a warm vibe, the outside lights were on and I was sitting on the balcony enjoying my glass of red wine and a cigarette, in my pj's.

The only thing that was missing was Axl. He was never home, and when he was home he was drunk, violent, or passed out on the couch. We had known better times. The times that we were enjoying each other's company. But if I knew my life would end up like this, in needing of love from him. I'd never chosen this road if I knew that this would fail in the first place.

My thoughts drifted off, to the good memories. When we were together on the balcony smoking cigars and drinking wine, laughing with each other. Being on the same page, but lately, we've grown apart.

Our minds weren't able to connect anymore, I couldn't understand him anymore. It was like he had his guards up for me. His love for me was like finding a needle in steel without fire.

I got a call the other night, from Steven. I can remember his exact words, "He is not trustworthy, when he is done with you he's gonna let you down."

I just hung up, I didn't want to hear the truth. I didn't see the reality, the picture I was imagining didn't fit my life. Then I heard a scream, close to my ear.

Apparently, Axl was shouting, again... "Where the fuck are you with your mind!? Are you imaging yourself with another guy again?"

I looked up to see an angry Axl. His face was close letting steam out of his ears. The wine didn't work, cause I could still see reality.

"Axl sweetheart sit down, have a cigarette."

"I'm not sitting next to a fucking whore who is unfaithful!"

"Axl? Where did you get that from, I nev-" I was cut off by a sharp pain in my cheek. He slapped me, real hard. My body was completely unable to do anything, it felt just like when my mom used to abuse and hit me.

I hated it, I was powerless again. It didn't stop there, the beatings. Everything was kicking in, reality, pain, the childhood abuse. It all came back. It felt like that hit me harder than Axl. Tears stream down my face, not stopping very soon.

It stopped everything. I felt one last kick when I played on the ground. Holding my fetus posture even tighter. I heard doors slamming, he must be gone I thought.

It took me a while to get up, falling. Of the sudden pain, but I didn't give up, I didn't want to be hopeless again. I got up again, this time actually standing on my feet. I hold on to something, I was so dizzy. It didn't stop.

Time passed and passed. Seconds turned into full minutes, of just standing there out in the cold. Now I felt I was crying, a tear slowly rolling down from my cheek to my neck disappearing into my bathrobe.

I began with slow, and small steps. Breathing hard, heavy. Trying not to think it was my fault, guilt began the grow stronger with every step and breath I took.

I walked an unknown road for me. My feet were freezing, I didn't notice at first but I wasn't wearing any shoes. I was freezing, shivering. I was completely wet from the rain. Drops of water slowly pouring down my forehead.

With every step I took, I grew more tired and tired. I didn't want to stop. I didn't wanna sit. I did wanna sleep and never wake up. I felt everything was my fault, I pissed off Axl once again. I wasn't helping my mom, that's why hit and abused me. I never could do anything right I needed to mess up once again.

Before I knew it I fell, hard onto the streets. Passing out.


From what I've heard from Steven he found me by the side of the road, undercooled. In my pj's, he thought I was dead. He was freaking out cause blood was dripping down from open wounds. He rushed me to the hospital.

And there I was in a hospital bed, with a broken rib and arm.

Weeks passed and passed Axl never let me hear from him again. But then there was Steven who stood always next to my side.

When I was recovered from my injuries was finally able to go home, but I didn't have a home I wanted to go to. Steven let me live in his house, and I accepted. Since then I've always stayed with him.

What I got from him was all I wanted all I needed. The picture I always imaged has now become true. Being loved. The will to open up to each other and be honest. Love me unconditionally. And all I wanted was I was willing to unconditionally love him too.

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