Chapter three

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Tay Pov:

It's been weeks since I found out the Volturi is after me. I've been guarded by the Cullen's and the wolf pack. Suddenly, I started to feel weak and became bedridden .

I just feel lost and a part of me is gone. "Tay! Dinner is made" Esme told me. I weakly smiled and got out of bed. I'm just getting out of bed because I know Esme wants me to eat. I'm doing it for her. I slowly walked to the kitchen and see a plate of ravioli and garlic bread .

I sat down and started eating when Alice used her vampire speed to appear . I screamed and jumped "oh my god I'm sorry Tay" Alice exclaimed. I hate being scared! I hate their vampire speed.

My heart was beating fast "its fine. I hate your vampire speed" I said, mumbling the last part. Everyone chuckled at that statement. "The Volturi are coming to Forks!" Alice said, making everyone freeze.

"I'll take Bella and Tay away from Forks" Edward said. I got angry when he said that. "Edward Cullen! We aren't leaving. You need to stop controlling us! We are in this situation because of you. " I snapped at him.

Jasper sent a wave of calm to me "thank you Jasper" I told him. Edward was quiet and sat away from me. "They just want to talk" Alice explained. My heart beats fast when I think about meeting the two vampires again.

"When are they arriving ?" Carlise asked. " Tomorrow morning . We are meeting them on a field" Alice told us, looking into the future. She froze and looked at me sad "Alice? What's wrong?" I asked, worried. She didn't say anything and she rushed out of the kitchen.

Jasper went after her and everyone looked worried. I finished my food and went back to bed. Tomorrow everything is going to change everything. We need to prepare for it and try to survive. 

The Volturi Girl ( Demetri x Oc x Alec)Where stories live. Discover now