Chapter five

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What happened last time:

"Tay you'll be riding on Seth. Since he won't shut up about it" Edward said , grinning. The wolf barked , so I walked to him.

I pet his fur and he nuzzled into my hand. I absolutely love his color! He has lots of colors in his fur and I can't even tell what color it is.

I climbed on the back of him with the help of Jasper "Seth take care of her" Jaz told the wolf. Seth nod and licked my leg "lets go" I said , feeling scared and nervous.

I don't want anyone dying for me! The wolves shouldn't be coming, but they won't listen to me. The cullens headed to the field and we followed after them please don't hurt the wolves or the Cullens .

Tay Pov:

We are on the field and waiting for the Volturi to come. I was standing between Seth and Jake. I petted Jake's fur and he licked my hand.

I giggled and messed up his fur, causing the other wolves laugh. It sounds like a bark but they're actually laughing. "They're coming!" Alice yelled.

Everyone tensed up and stayed quiet. The tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife. My heart was pounding and I was shaking.

Jasper tried to calm me with his power, but it wasn't working. I was anxious and scared. He continued to pour calmness into me.

I glanced at him and shake my head . I grabbed onto Jake's fur when the Volturi started walking towards us. They looked so creepy with their hoods on!

All I see is the leaders, Jane and Alec, Felix, Demetri . I felt all of my energy come back and I was back to my normal self. I was so confused! Why am I connected to the two vampires?

The two red-eyed vampires noticed me and looked happy. They continued to stare at me and i blushed. "Cullen! You are in big trouble" Caius snarled.

Edward looked scared. I was frustrated and I needed answers! "What's going on? Why are you fighting over me?" I asked.

Aro looked at me "come here my dear" he said. I looked at the others who look worried. Edward tell them I will be fine. 

Jacob and Seth followed me as I walked. "May I have your hand?" Aro asked. I blinked and looked at Edward. Is he going to hurt me? Why does he want my hand?

I hope he doesn't want my hand so he can bite me. "Taylor he wants to see your memories. He won't hurt you" Edward said . He was talking loud because he was far away from me.

I nod and gave him my wrapped hand. My hand was slowly healing from slapping Edward on the face. "Oh my .. your feisty" Aro chuckled.

I'm guessing he seen me slapping Edward. I blushed and looked down. He glanced at the Cullens "you haven't told her?" Aro asked, looking angry.

I backed away from him. Jake and Seth growled at the black haired vampire. All the sudden, I was on Jacob's back and he was prepared to run.

"Enough! I'm not going to hurt the girl" Aro said. "Jake it's okay" I comforted the wolf. "Why haven't you explain what a mate is? She needs to know" Aro said.

He looked disappointed. Demetri and Alec was looking angry at Jake. It looks they wanted to kill him. "Boys enough!" Aro commanded when they were prepared to attack the wolves.

Seth and Jake were snarling at them. They stopped and stared at me. It seems like they were begging me to come to them.

I gulped and shook off the feeling. "Cullens you are in huge trouble, but I will ignore the trouble you have caused under one condition" Aro told the vampires.

Tension was surrounding us and I wanted to know the condition. Caius was smirking and Edward looked angry. "NO!" He yelled.

"Edward shut up!" Carlisle urged his son. Edward frowned and looked ready to fight if he needed. "My condition is........." (Cliffhanger!! Sorry everyone you will have to wait until the next update)   

The Volturi Girl ( Demetri x Oc x Alec)Where stories live. Discover now