Chapter 10: Nanaba

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Hanji's POV

"Yo, Hanji!" Nanaba chuckles softly as found each other on the streets. We linked our arms together, chuckling together. "You ready for the movie now?!"

"Heck yeah!"

A month passed, and it was nearly the end of January. This afternoon, there's this movie premiering, and it was one of our favorites when we were teens. I've saved up from my monthly allowance, and we finally had enough money to go to the theaters and watch it. Even buy some food there, since it's always expensive. I could've invited Levi over, but he was being overwhelmed with the kids and his little job, so he couldn't make time for us. Plus, it's nice to have a girls' day out. It's not everyday that we have that luxury.

We walked into the cool theaters. Even with a thick jacket, I felt like shivering inside the building. Loud noises from chattering and the TV filled the air. So many little kids were screeching when they couldn't wait for their favorite movie to come on. I chuckled softly, paying for the tickets and standing in line for food. 

Oh, the smell of hot-dogs, popcorn, and candy filled my nose. When it was finally our turn to order, we both got a hot-dog, and we agreed on sharing a box of popcorn and a soda. Nanaba was telling me a joke about school as we were getting the ketchup, mustard, and relish... I couldn't help but not take the relish. I usually do though... so it's weird. Never-mind it...

The moment we collected our food, we sat ourselves down into the semi-busy theater. It's not as popular some may think, but it was enough for Nanaba and me to enjoy. The movie wouldn't start until a few minutes shall pass... and I was kinda bored, so I asked Nanaba a question with a sly smile.

"So Nanaba..."

The way she swerved her head towards me with annoyance- if only you saw it. "What is it this time, Hanji?"

"I just need some advice, that's all. Since we got some time to kill."

Nanaba nods her head, "Alright, tell me. What can I, the great Nanaba, aid you with?" We both chuckled softly at that. There was a time when we felt like queens, and no one else could talk us down. But there's another time for that.

I opened my mouth and felt my heart beating- no, pounding. With the cold air blowing in on us, I didn't shiver- I began to sweat. "Nanaba... what's your advice on tell Levi... that um..." I looked away, but I forced my eyes to focus on Nanaba's face to see her reaction. "That I'm pregnant with his child...?"

*   *   *

"You've been acting differently, Hanji... is something going on at the orphanage?" Mother asks me as we sat down for dinner together one day during winter break. I shuffled my feet and looked away to avoid her gaze. "Hanji..."

"I-I'm dating someone..." I say gently.

"Dating? Who?" Father slowly rose his voice as I could tell that there was a hint of anger. "Who is this boy?"

Once more, I looked away. "It's Levi. I was dating him when I was at the orphanage. It was that boy who tried to chase after me on the day of you guys picking me up. We broke it off because of the adoption, but we got back together just a few weeks ago."

"When you stayed over at the orphanage for Christmas... you stayed with him?!" Father began to yell. "Hanji, did you..."

"Father, enough." I called out, looking away. "It's my private life. My life with him. What I do with him is none of your business, Father. Please."

We remained silent for the rest of the night. We didn't talk another word about Levi. It wasn't until the next day, after school. I walked in, and it felt like a normal day. I went towards the kitchen to grab a cookie, when I saw my adoptive parents standing there. A bag was in Father's hands as he held it out for me. Mother was nearly in tears, standing close to Father.

"Father, what's this?" I asked, slowly making my way towards him.

"A pregnancy tester. Use this."

I did. The results... I couldn't believe my eyes. It showed up positive. Father was growing angry, so he dragged Mother and me to the nearest clinic. I think I spent hours there, and they gave us the same answer: I was pregnant. When I officially received those news, my hands went to my stomach. I was holding his baby... Levi's child...

On the way home, Father stared at me through his rear-view mirror and lowered his voice to give me 'the talk.'

"Hanji, that baby is not staying in our house. I refuse you to have a child at this time."


"Enough." He growls softly. "In 3 days, we're coming back and we're getting that baby out of you. You're too young to have a child. You're still in high school... going off to college. Hanji, this is for the best. Your future depends on it."

I held back my tears until after I was in bed. I cried, letting those tears fall like waterfalls. I wanted to call Levi and for him to care for me... but it was nearly midnight when I wanted to sleep. He would be fast asleep. For the rest of the night, I laid on my back and caressed my stomach. This baby... I didn't want to get rid of it. It was Levi's child as well...

*   *   *

I slowly explained what happened to Nanaba, and asked a question: "Nanaba, can you take me in for the rest of the school year?"

Unfortunately, she shook her head. "Sorry, Han. You know that my parents are against teen pregnancy. If I could, I would. Listen, I'll be working twice as hard to get an apartment for the both of us. It's just that... we can't until we're done with school. That's not until 5 months, Han."

I nodded my head softly, sighing softly. "That's fine..."

"Speaking of the baby... what about Levi? He's the father, and he's living at the orphanage... he should have enough space for you and the baby, right?"

"He should..."

"Hanji, look at me." I did so, seeing her smile. "You really care for the baby... so go to the father. Go to Levi. I'm sure he'll take better care of you. I promise, we'll live together. Levi, Miche, you and I. It's alright, and now, let's just sit down and watch the movie. Let's not fret any longer. You go ahead and take care of that baby."

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