Chapter 12: Escape

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Hanji's POV

"Hanji..." I looked up to see Father... and his arms were crossed. "Tomorrow's the third day." He then walks away. 

I felt those tears falling down on my cheeks. For comfort, I reached down to my pillow, screeching into it. My hands caressed my stomach as I thought about the little baby there. If tomorrow would be the last day with my baby... I wouldn't want that day to come. Then, the plan came to me as normal as it could've. The perfect solution. Levi.

When night fell upon us all, I quickly packed up most of my clothes into a suitcase. Running away wasn't a normal thing for me to do, so it was heart-wrenching. But if it meant that my little baby would survive and have a life with Levi, it was worth it. Even if I was named a runaway, I had Levi and my baby. I would still go to school, it's just that it'll be difficult with the baby. In 9 months, at least I would be out of school.

With my suitcase packed up, I then packed another backpack with my school supplies. Again, I care about my academics. 

I sighed heavily, taking my last steps out of the house. It was no longer the home I once loved. It was no longer that. If my unborn baby was not welcomed here, then I should not be welcomed as well. I used to love them dearly, but not anymore. My last breath in this house faded away as I readied the money in the palm of my hand. A bus should be nearby... and I can ride it to the nearest spot to the orphanage.

*   *   *

Arriving to the orphanage, I saw that Levi's light was on. But there was no shadow or anything. Like it was left on. I knew it was his room because it was the only window on the third floor on the right side. I smiled softly, reaching for the doorbell, then I thought of a crazy idea: what if I climbed into his room? Would he be surprised or angry? Oh well, time to figure it out now. I guess I could blame the crazy idea on my baby. Perhaps we would have similar mindsets.

I set my suitcase aside near the front door and began my little climb up to the window. My breath was visible when I breathed heavily, but I continued my little journey up. Under all the windows, there were vines and this little thing to help them grow up on. Well, the vines were actually rose vines, but let's not delve deep into that.

I remember him saying that he always left the window unlock, in case of an emergency. In any case, I'll stand my ground to say that this was an emergency.

With all my might, I pushed the window up and it creaked open. My breath was shallow as I struggled to pull myself into the warm room. Thankfully it wasn't snowing outside, else it would be a bad situation. 

The backpack dropped to the ground as I went to close the window. Shrinking by that loud thud, I only saw Levi move just a bit in his bed. I chuckled softly, leaving that window unlocked. Carefully, I leaned in on him, hearing him whisper so softly. Actually... I didn't know what he was whispering about, until I realized what he was talking about. Our time capsule.

I groaned, laying next to him with my hand on my stomach. Practically, I fell next to him. Sleep attempted to convince me to lean back and sleep. It wasn't until he started stirring was when I woke up again.

*   *   *

That warm bubble bath... I nearly swooned and fell asleep there. The bubbles nearly made me childish again, since bubble baths are a luxury I would never have again. Except here, since the whole population here are kids, bubble baths were a common thing. I chuckled, thinking about our little baby playing in a bubble bath like I was. 

My eyes fluttered a bit before I nearly dozed off again. The loud knock on the door made me jump- and as a result, I splashed some of the water out of the tub. Panicking, I looked towards the noise to only see Levi holding neatly-folded clothes in his arms. He smiled so gently, chuckling softly.

"Here, I went through your suitcase and grabbed some of your clothes." I blushed softly and looked away with embarrassment. "Hanji, don't go acting like that. I've seen you in 'worse' ones, so this shouldn't be this bad. I'll be waiting in the kitchen for you. I bet you're hungry."

I nodded my head, watching him leave the bathroom. The warm water was so comforting... I could stay in it forever. But my stomach, and baby, clawed my insides for food. That was the last straw. So then, I got out of the tempting bath and into clothes that were matching. Every step away from the tub made me regret not staying in it for any longer.

Conjuring up enough courage, I walked down the creaking stairs. Looking around, there were no kids around. The time must've been past 11 because Levi would always tuck them in before 11 PM. Once more, my stomach growled for food. That's when I turned a corner and found the kitchen. 

How natural Levi was when he was cooking in the kitchen. Ignoring the fact that he was making so much noise. When I appeared, he smiled softly and made his way towards me. "Had a good bath?"

I nodded my head, leaning my head on his shoulders, "Yes..."

"Come here."

Hand in hand, we walked into the kitchen. It was... somewhat romantic. When he served me some soup, he leaned in and held my hand tightly. "Levi..." I whispered softly as my cheeks grew warm. 

"Hanji, I'll always be here, okay? I'll do my best to be a father..."

"Levi... you sure?"

He chuckles softly, kissing my cheek, "Hanji, didn't we make that one promise as kids that we would always be there for each other? Well, I'm fulfilling my promise. I'm gonna make sure that I'll stay by your side and I'll own up my mistake."

"Is it a mistake if we both wanted the child?" 

When I winked at him, he chuckles once more with this smile. A heart-warming smile that would make everyone scream in happiness. "I guess that's alright... anyways, finish drinking your soup. You are going to school tomorrow, right?"

"Naw, I think I'll stay home for today. Just to calm down."

"Alright then."

I reached forward and laid his cheek in my hand. "Levi, go and sleep. You need it the most. I woke you up-"

"No." Gently, he whacked my hand away and smiled. "I'll stay here until you go to sleep. You aren't just taking care of yourself, but with our child. So really, I'm looking out for two people. You need sleep the most, and you need the most protection. Don't deny me because I'm right."

I chuckled softly, drinking the soup that he made for me. Of course... he always had that protective aura around him. That's one aspect that I cared so much about him. I love him...

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