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- Noor's POV -

"You two enjoying the evening?" Shahid smiles.

I only nod because I remember Mr. Yasir telling me to keep my mouth shut.

Were these two the "extra special" business colleagues we were supposed to bump into here?

"I thought I'd bring Noor out to eat since she's been working so hard for me." Mr. Yasir demeanour completely changes again. "She deserves a little time to enjoy herself." His eyes soften again when he looks at me.

There goes my heart doing that annoying little flutter.

"Noor is such a simple girl. You could've taken her to McDonald's and she would've been content. She probably doesn't understand the exquisite sense of this restaurant." Nadira is clearly annoyed at this.

But her comment about me makes my blood boil. How dare she speak about me like I'm someone beneath her? Like I'm some peasant?

"You're right, he could've and I would've been completely okay with it. But he decided he wanted to treat me to something special, I'm not complaining." I flash her the most innocent smile.

"She's not wrong. Good choice, Yasir." Shahid winks at him.

Her expression crumbles into distaste and she drags her husband by his arm. "Let's go take a seat, Shahid."

"Did you give her our location?" I ask Mr. Yasir as I grit my teeth.

My anger hasn't died down yet.

"No, of course not." He doesn't look up from his phone.

After a few seconds of silence, it hits me. "Oh my God, you knew she was coming here. That's why we're here."

He doesn't answer me, neither does he look up from his phone screen.

"Pathetic." I mumble.

"Excuse me?" He finally looks up at me.

"I said, pathetic." I repeat myself knowing just how dangerous that could be. "It's pathetic that you two didn't just marry each other instead."

"It's none of your damn business." His voice becomes dangerously low.

I decide not to ruin the mood any further after our food arrives. Instead, I lecture him on how he should take care of Munchkin and I'll be really sad if he throws him away.

We've become a little more comfortable around each other now.

"I don't care about your damn toy!" He grunts.

"You should! I see one hair on his head out of place, and I'll set your office on fire." I joke.

"A child! You're a child!" He shakes his head.

His phone dings and he smirks at his screen. Then, he looks at me as if he's making a decision about something.

Then, he looks as if he's decided on the option.

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