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- Yasir's POV -

My father could have avoided this all. An announcement of the engagement should have sufficed but no, he wants the grand entrance for his daughter-in-law.

I know Noor wouldn't like this. I can bet that she's about to faint or run away to avoid this all together. I can also bet that she told my mother but nothing can be done because its what father wants.

I stand at the end of the stairs, waiting for the signal for Noor to start walking down, if she hasn't run away yet.

"Please welcome the newest member of the Khan family, Noor Malik!" Father says as the spotlight hits the top of the stairs.

"Damn..." My eyes widen as Noor starts her walk down the stairs.

She looks good, there's no denying that. She looks like a majestic being floating down elegantly. There's hints of shimmer surrounding her, bouncing off the jewels on her dress and accessories.

There's clear nervousness in her smile but no would notice because she looks that beautiful.

My chest feels lighter the closer she gets. I couldn't peel my eyes away from her, even if I want to. My body mind won't let me. It's similar to how I feel when I see... there's no way. This means nothing.

Just as soon as I see her not being able to walk down any further, my feet acts on its own to go towards her to help her down. I didn't even give it a thought, it just... it just happened.

She clearly looks grateful for the act though.

The moment her hand touches mine, there's this wave of warmth that goes through my arm. It feels almost comforting?

I just want this night to be over before I start noticing things I could care less about right now.

• • •

- Noor's POV -

"So, Yasir... This beautiful young lady was your assistant before, right? You're a sneaky boy, huh? Shagging your assistant or whatnot." One of the guys laugh.

I get slightly uncomfortable. In a normal situation, I would've ran my mouth but Yasir's father... he expects a more respectable woman.

"I've known her before she started working for me. I went to high school with her." Yasir says normally as to not bring the matter much attention.

"Oh? You've been chasing her since then?" One of the women in the group asks.

"No way. He was up Nadira's skirt in his high school days." Another guy says.

Yasir's hands form into fists and his anger is harder to control sometimes.

Uh oh.

"Oh, come on! Nadira's been married for almost two years, guys. It's rude to bring up exes at engagement parties" Lateef sweeps in to save the day. "Can't old high school friends reconnect and fall in love? This was meant to be."

"Thank you." I secretly mouth to Lateef, who winks back at me.

"Please, excuse us." Yasir grabs ahold of my hand takes me away from the group.

"You didn't say anything?" He raises a brow.

"Did you want me to?" I ask.

"I expected you to. You don't hold back when it comes to scolding me." He says.

"Nadira isn't my problem, remember?" I answer, almost bitterly.

"Yasir! Noor!"

Speak of the Devil and he, or in this case, she shall appear.

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