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- Yasir's POV -
~ 24 Hours Before Noor's Visit ~

"Hello?" I say into the phone.

"Open the door." Nadira says.

"Nadira? What are you doing here?" I ask.

"Oh, you don't want to see me anymore?" She asks.

"Don't be stupid! Of course I want to see you! I'll be right there." I hang up the phone.

I open the door and give Nadira a gentle hug.

I missed her.

"I have something I need to tell you." She says with a smile on her face.

I nod and lead her to the living room.

Is she here to talk about the rumours? God, my heart is beating out of my chest.

What if it's true? What if it's mine?

"Would you like something to drink? Are you tired?" I ask her.

She places her hand on my cheek and gently caresses it. "You're so sweet to me, Yasir. Always so sweet to me. Too bad you had to go on and marry someone like Noor."

"I did it for us. My father was planning on marrying me off to someone else. Noor is easier to control so when time comes, we'll go our separate ways." I explain as I put my hand over hers that's on my cheek.

"Oh? She agreed to this?" Nadira raises a brow.

"Not exactly. But she won't be able to do anything about it." I shrug my shoulders.

"That's my darling Yasir." She wraps her arms around my shoulder, resting her head on the base of my neck.

She starts to leave trails of kisses down my neck, letting a moan escape her lips.

Suddenly, I push her off; it was an instant reaction.

I've never done that.

I've never pushed her away, especially when her affection is so rare nowadays.

"Yasir?" She falls out in a confused tone.

"I want to hear what you want to tell me first." I quickly cover it up.

She sighs. "I'm pregnant. Four and a half weeks." She strokes her stomach gently.

My eyes widen as she confirms my thoughts.

"Is it... mine?"

She looks away, making my heart drop.

This can't be good.

"I think it's Shahid's." She reinstates.

I hated the idea of her sleeping with Shahid. But she couldn't ignore him forever, they are married. She said she would keep it to a minimum, only when it's absolutely necessary, would she sleep with him.

"Tell me you're fucking joking." I grit my teeth.

She shakes her head. "The date... it makes sense for it to be his."

"Tell me you're not keeping it, Nadira... You know what? Never mind. Run away with me, I'll raise the baby as if it's my own." I say out of desperation.

"I don't know, Yasir... Shahid... He's financially more stable than you. Plus, you haven't spending your mon—I mean, your time with me recently." She sighs.

"Nadira, you wouldn't do this to me." My chest is aching. God, it feels like someone ripped out my lungs.

"It's possible the baby's yours but I doubt it. It makes more sense that it's Shahid's." She says, crushing my soul as slowly as she can.

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