[ 19 ]

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- Noor's POV -

After our time with the kittens was up, Yasir drove me back to the office.

The whole time he only played with one kitten and pretended like he hated every second of it.

What's with men and their weak sense of masculinity? I won't freak out if I see him playing with a cat.

I hop out of the car and before shutting the door, I peak my head back in. "Thank you again for tonight. I really appreciate it, it meant a lot."

"It's not a big deal." Yasir says quite awkwardly.

"I mean it, it really made my whole week. I guess you're not that big of a bully." I giggle.

"Very funny." He rolls his eyes.

"Have a great night!" I close the door and head to my own car.

I couldn't stop smiling while driving all the way back home.

"Assalamualikum!" I say as I enter the house.

"Walaikum Assalam!" I hear Abbu's reply from the family room. "Could you come here and greet the guests, please?"

I groan and quickly fix my scarf and my overall appearance in the mirror.

The second I walk in, I see my sister on the edge of the couch with a smirk plastered on her face.

My parents are seated right beside each other with big smiles on their faces.

"Noor dear, this is Mister and Missus Ahmad." Abbu points are the nice looking older couple. "And this is Omar Ahmad." He points the handsome boy, maybe a year or two older than me.

"She's so beautiful, Mash'Allah!" The auntie says.

I smile politely at her.

Oh, no... oh, no, no, no.

I know exactly what this is.

"Please, sit." Amma pats the seat beside her. "We want to talk to you about something."


"Yes?" I say.

"Mister and Missus Ahmad have brought in a rishta (marriage proposal) for you for their son, Omar." Amma explains.

Why would they put me on spot? This is absolutely outrageous!

"There's no pressure, dear." Mr. Ahmad says. "Your father has been a great friend and co-worker of mine. I've seen a picture of you on his desk and thought this would be perfect!"

"You're too kind! Mr. Ahmad is my boss at the bank. He's the one who's promoted me." Abbu laughs.

Ah... I'm turning into a mere commodity. Exchange me for status. Of course, no one is doing this on purpose but there's probably a sense of responsibility that my father feels that he owes this man.

"How about we leave these two to talk and see if they can get along? And then we can talk further." His mother recommends.

Please, no.

After the adults and my sister have all left the room. I'm left with this stranger, Omar Ahmad.

"I should formally introduce myself. My name's Omar." He smiles.

He does have a sweet smile. Sort it reminds me of Lateef.

"I'm Noor." I say.

There's this deathly awkward silence.

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