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- Noor's POV -

It's been about two weeks since the last incident at his house. I should probably stop going over but he's so stubborn.

However, he's become more relaxed around me, which is a plus!

In these two weeks, I've done something else... gather information on Nadira's motives.

"What have you found, Sherlock?" Lateef teases.

He must've underestimated me because I've come with major information.

I got ahold of Nadira's ex-friends. She makes tons of enemies along the way and she's stupid enough to always tell them the details that they could easily ruin her life with. So, lucky for me, it wasn't too hard to collect information.

The friend—well, ex-friend—spilled everything. She [Nadira] had told everyone that Shahid and her families made them marry because their families would "strengthen from the bond". Nadira was "against" the idea because of her relationship with Yasir but couldn't go against her family's wishes since it would ruin their image in society.

This is where the tea gets hot and everything gets... interesting.

The whole story was fake.

Yes, you heard me right. Completely made up.

Neither parents from either sides forced the marriage. No one said anything. Shahid proposed because Nadira wanted to settle down with him. She married him voluntarily. In fact, she's the one who pushed for marriage.

The tea gets even hotter.

She told Yasir—no—she cried to Yasir that she's being forced to marry Shahid and that she loves no one but him [Yasir]. She said she would do anything to escape the marriage but would never want to disappoint her parents.

She goes on to tell him that she'll keep up the image of her relationship with Shahid for the sake of her parents but will continue being with Yasir for "the sake of her heart". In order to not have Yasir freak out and fight with Shahid or their parents, she told him, one day, when things settle down, she'll leave Shahid for Yasir.

Yasir, being the idiot that he is, believes everything. The whole story in itself sounds shady and just plain horrible and Yasir, also being the love sick puppy that he is, believes her dumb ass.

It gets worst.

She doesn't plan on leaving Shahid. She also doesn't plan on breaking up with Yasir.

That greedy woman wants to keep both because that's double the dollar signs. Her lifestyle is being funded by both Shahid and Yasir but neither understands that they're both being played.

Once I finish, I could tell Lateef was equally shocked, impressed and angry.

"This has to be a sick joke." Lateef shakes his head. "I thought her intentions were bad but not to this extent."

"It might be a sick joke but knowing Nadira, she's dead serious." I sigh.

"I know it's none of my business, but I've noticed you hate Nadira. There's a high level of hatred that's just boiling in you about her all the time." He's careful about what he says.

I think back about my four years of high school. How desperately I tried to avoid Nadira because every time our paths crossed, she'd have to comment on how much lower I am on the scale of perfection compared to her.

"Trust me, I've got my reasons." I say. "Yasir will too if he figures out he's being played."

Lateef only sighs loudly. "Something tells me that deep down inside, he knows he's being played but he won't ever accept it. He loves her too much."

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