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- Noor's POV -

I skipped out a week of work so Rosalie had to temporarily take over my shifts. I told her I wasn't feeling well and probably won't be able to work.

She understood though and said Yasir barely even spoke to her.

I haven't broke the news to her though... she'll find out tomorrow night and hate me for not telling her earlier.

I'm going dress shopping today and Yasir was supposed to come along to approve it but he sent his mom. I decided I wanted to take my mom, sister and Farrah.

Why shop so last minute? Because I genuinely couldn't bring myself to enjoy myself until today. And his mother is an angel for understanding.

Amma and Yasir's mother have been getting along better than I expected. They talk and laugh as if they've been close friends for years.

So, when I asked my mother-in-law if my mom, Ayesha and Farrah can join, she seemed really excited and agreed right away.

The only reason I'm just assuming that she's happy or glad is because I don't know her well enough to jump on the bandwagon. I made that mistake with Omar's mother and she cussed me out the second things went south.

Omar... I hope his relationship goes up in flames!

No, no, no, don't hold grudges, Noor. It's not good for your mental or spiritual health.

But it's hard, you know? He did leave me minutes before our nikkah.

Thinking about it makes my breathing shallow and my lungs feel as if though they're about collapse.

Breathe, just breathe.

"Assalamualikum!" Farrah greets as she walks in the house. "Ready to go?" She asks but suddenly crinkles her brows. "Are you okay? You don't look so good."

"I—I was just thinking about the nikkah day. That really sucked." I tell her truthfully.

"Well, you're married into the Khan family. And not just any Khan family, the Khan Family of largest enterprise in the country." She winks. "Omar can go to Hell!"

"I hope whoever he ran away with leaves his indecisive ass!" Ayesha adds as she joins our conversation.

I crack into a smile. These two never fail to make me laugh.

"There you go, there's that devilish smile." Ayesha laughs.

I get a text from Yasir's mother, saying she's outside.

Once we step out, I'm sure there was an audible gasp that came out of all of our mouths.

It's a blacked out extended Mercedes Maybach, similar to a mini limousine. This must at least cost $350,000.

The driver steps out to open the door for us and Yasir's mother waves at us from inside, while gesturing for us to come inside.

Farrah and Ayesha's jaws were on the floor. They were trying to close it but honestly I don't blame them for being shocked because same.

Once we get inside the car, luxury doesn't even begin to describe it.

There's six plush, leather seats in the back that face each other in threes. I've never seen this before. There's a window separating the driver from the passengers in the back. There's a digital console beside each of the seats and a TV that's tucked away.

"My beautiful family, Assalamualikum!" Yasir's mother grins. "Would you like the seat warmers or massage chairs turned on?" She asks quite innocently, actually. Not a hint of boastfulness.

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