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"It was hard, trying to get over him.

The first month was the hardest, I would have to say. I felt completely numb to everything, but then at times I'd get these pains in my chest that would last for days at a time, and I cried. Oh man, I'd cry a lot. The pain reminded me that I was still alive though, which I think is why I began to not mind it so much."

"Why do you think that this breakup affected you so much?"

"He was my everything. Our love captivated me, and to be honest it still does, I wish it didn't but it's there, like it's waiting in the shadows for the right time to creep in on me. I put my everything into our relationship, just to be slapped in the face and told 'fuck you, you're not good enough for me'."

"Did you ever try to let him explain? You know, why he did what he did."

"There was a phone call uh, one night. He called me on a different number than his cell. He was crying, telling me how sorry he was and that everything hurt and blah blah blah. You know, the things you'd wanna hear after being cheated on. I didn't talk though, he cried for a while... probably a few hours at least. I didn't talk to him, just listened and cried."

"Moving on from that, how have you been since your attempt? You haven't brought it up much and I just wanted to make sure that you know, you're doing well. Something like that can definitely traumatize certain people."

"I'm okay, sometimes I get these thoughts where it's like, you're not good enough, but I haven't relapsed or anything. So you know, getting better."

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