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please go show her some love n support on the harry fic she just started!!

i hope you're all staying safe and healthy and taking care of yourselves during this time! remember to wash your hands and eat healthy😌

enjoy reading xoxo

I sat in the locker room, staring at the ground with my head in my hands. Millions of questions raced through my head while feeling the need to forget this situation ever happened. I needed something, anything to relieve the pain that was building inside me. My mind was running at one million miles an hour, and I had a feeling it wasn't going to stop any time soon.

Was he following me? Why was he in California? Did he know about everything that happened to me? What exactly was it that he wanted to talk about?

I found a pull towards finding an answer for the last question, although I already had a few ideas regarding what the answer could be. Was I even ready to talk to him, and tell him what happened? Surely, I didn't owe him anything though, not after what he put me through,I had to keep reminding myself.

I just found it to be quite funny, the fact that he was pleading for me to converse with him. Why did he think I'd give in so easily? It's been almost two years. There is no way he could have truly believed that after what I went through, I'd give into him that easily.

He was always a little egotistical, though. Maybe that's why he thought he could get away with cheating on me.

I pulled out my phone, quickly sending a text to an old friend of mine, and getting a response immediately.

With a crooked smile on my face I grabbed my bag and walked outside to my car, throwing my bag in the back seat I leaned against the window, waiting for Shelby to show up.

The familiar car pulled up right behind mine, and the blonde-haired girl got out quickly, with the small bag in her hands.

Our exchange was short lasting. No words were spoken as I handed her the cash. She shot me a small smile before getting back into her car and driving away.

I got into the passenger seat of my car, locking the door as I sat down eyeing the bag that rested in my palms.

A small hand-full of white pills rest in the plastic bag, calling my name. I stared wide eyed, my throat suddenly becoming dry as I slowly opened it, taking a water bottle from my bag and swallowing two of the pills, feeling instant relief.

There was no reason to be worried. I had thrown the keys in the back and locked the doors. I wasn't sitting in the driver's seat, and I didn't have any big exams coming up for school.

Nor was I mixing acid with anything else, so I'd trip out for a few hours, maybe pass out in my car and drive home the next day. Nobody would ever find out, and life would go on after, just like it did a couple weeks ago.

I pushed the seat down, closing my eyes and waiting for the pills to kick in.

Soon enough, I found myself in a euphoric state, watching cars drive by me as I completely relaxed, no longer feeling the heart-wrenching pain that resided within me.

After an uncertain amount of time, there was a light knocking on the window. Rolling my head to the side, I saw Harry tapping, motioning for me to roll the window down.

My body felt heavy as I slowly lifted my arm, drool running down my cheek as I cracked the window open an inch.

"Bella? I hate asking but can we please talk. I really need to speak with you, I know I don't deserve your forgiveness or time, but I'm just asking for a few minutes. That's it. Please, Isabella. I'll do anything."

I mumbled a few incoherent words, before rolling my eyes. "You really- you really don't deserve my t..time Harry. You put me through so mu... much shit." I stumbled over my words, crawling into the driver's seat.

I put my hand behind the chair, searching lazily for my keys as I cursed Harry under my breath.

"Are you drunk Bella? Get out of the car, please baby. I'll call you an Uber, I don't want you getting hurt." His thick accent rang through my ears.

I put the key in the ignition, turning it slowly as Harry walked to the driver's side of the car.

Harry pleaded with me as I put my foot on the gas pedal, immediately being pushed forward and into the car in front of me, hearing Harry curse in agony as he stumbled around.

My head hit the steering wheel and I felt a tremendous amount of pain shoot through my head, before I blacked out.

A sharp ringing in my ears was what woke me up. I shot up, pain coursing through my body as I felt vomit rising in my throat.

A bucket was handed to me before I could realize what was happening, my hair was pulled out of my face as the past days meals rised out of my throat.

I wiped my mouth with the sleeve of the hoodie that I was wearing while a glass was put into my hands, and the bucket was set down next to me.

I froze in fear as his arm reached over me, setting the bucket down on the floor, his rings making monotone clinks as they hit against the metal bucket.

Taking slow sips of the water, I scooted towards the edge of the bed I was sitting in, so I could be farther away from him.

Harry cleared his throat. "There ibuprofen on the nightstand." He took a seat at the foot of the bed, the farthest place away from me.

As much as I wanted to argue with him, the constant throbbing in my head begged me to do otherwise. Sighing in defeat I quickly grabbed the bottle and took one tablet in case it came back up.

My eyes wandered the room, seeing that I was in a plain bedroom, nothing but a desk, bed and closet to my right. I stared a the air cast that was placed on Harry's foot, my mind replaying some of last night's events.

I started giggling once I realized that I ran over his foot. It's not that I found him being hurt funny, (although in the back of my mind I thought he deserved it for the pain he put me through), it was more of the fact that I was high off my brains and tried to drive.

Reckless, I know. But right now I didn't care.

Harry looked at me, a puzzled look plastered on his face as he watched me shaking my head laughing, which slowly became tears and I placed my head in my hands, shaking ever so slightly.

"I uh... we need to talk Bella." He spoke quietly, his head tilted down so he was looking at the floor.

I shook my head, wiping tears from my face. "You're the last person I want to talk to, Harry."

"Were you high last night, Isabella?" He spoke sadly.

"Why would you think that?"

"Cause this was in your car." He said, holding up the bag of white pills.

I stood up quickly to grab the bag from his hands, my guard immediately coming up.

"It doesn't matter Harry. What I decide to do doesn't concern you. You gave up any right to caring about me two years ago." I said, standing up and talking with an aggravated tone.

"Bella, I'm worried about you-"

"Worried about me?" I yelled, no longer caring about keeping my composure. "You have no fucking right to care! You broke me! I had to deal with so much shit alone because you decided to let some whore give you a fucking blowjob in a public place! And for what? Cause I wasn't good enough? Is that what it is?"

"Bella, please just let me explain. I promise it'll make sense, please just calm down and we can talk about this." He shook his head, tears beginning to stream down his face.

"Fuck you Harry Styles! You don't deserve for us to talk. Why the hell did you even bring me here? I would have rather you left me alone in that car, why didn't you leave me alone Harry?" I asked, leaning against the wall, falling down and bringing my knees to my chest.

"I wanted to comfort you Bella. Please can you just let me help you?"

I laughed dryly, shaking my head. "I find more comfort in being alone then in being around you."

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