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this is the last chapter, i'll be posting the epilogue soon

i love u endlessly xx

I stared at Harry, there was now glass and bread crumbs covering the kithcen floors but neither of us cared.


"Marry me." He said as if it was the most simple thing in the world.

"I... why?"

He laughed, looking up at me. There were wrinkles creasing around his eyes from his smile being so big. He was so cute. "Because I love you... and I think you love me?"

"Of course I love you... but you're crazy." I said, stepping forward and kneeling down in front of him. I rested my forehead on his. "Of course I'll marry you."

I watched Harry as his smile grew wider, which I didn't know was possible. We stood up and I wrapped my arms around his torso, then I felt my feet leave the ground as Harry picked me up and spun me around. I giggled as he did so, feeling euphoric.

"Are you sure?" He asked, setting me back down on the ground.

"Hmm, on second thought I don't think I'm feeling it anymore."

"You're terrible." He chuckled, kissing my forehead.

"But you love me."

"Of course I do, Mrs Styles."

"Hey... not yet." I smiled. "It has a nice ring to it though."

Harry laughed once again as he took my hand and placed the ring on my finger. It was a small, simple diamond, nothing too extravagent and I abolutely loved it. The band was silver and the rock was a small oval; it was beautiful.

"You know, I was gonna wait until we opened our gifts and I was gonna ask you then, but I couldn't wait."

"I'm glad you didn't. I love you so much." I leaned against him to connect our lips. Kissing him felt different, but in a really good way.

"Well, how about we get this glass cleaned up?" He smiled.

"Yeah... that might be a good idea."


We ate dinner, and opened presents not long after. Harry had gotten me a few small things, the typical Christmas things like chocolate and bath bombs, along with his paper airplane necklace that I was being gifted for the second time.

I had gotten him a few new shirts, as well as a couple new rings that he immediately put on. "Looks like we both go rings for Christmas." He said, eyeing the engagement ring on my hand.

Not long after, we curled up on the couch surrounded by blankets and 'A Christmas Carol' playing on the TV. Harry's arm was wrapped around my shoulder while I leaned against his chest, my fingers twisting the rings on his hand. This movement was mostly caused by anixety ver the fact that I hadn't brought up what the social worker said about Ella.

I had no clue how to bring it up with him. I knew Harry wasn't the type of person to blow up at things, plus I had already told him a bit about Ella since he was there when the social worker came to pick her up. Things were different now anyways, because we were getting married. Although, having children was never something we'd talked about, even the first time we dated.

I'd come to the conclusion that I did want kids. I absolutely wanted a family, one where our kids would run around the backyard with our dogs while we watched them from the kitchen window as we cooked dinner... and I wanted it with Harry.

Without realizing it, I popped out my bottom lip slightly and my face had sunken into a frown. Apparently Harry noticed, as he brought it up.

"Are you okay?" He asked, stopping me from playing with his rings.

"I uh, yeah I am. Are you?" I asked, hoping he would drop it.

"I'm fine, but theres something bothering you. You can talk to me baby, that's was fiance's are for." Both of us smiled at the word fiance.

"I know, it's just hard." I shrugged, knowing I'd need to bring it up at one point or another. "Do you think we'd be good parents?"

"Where is this coming from?" He asked, looking concerned.

"I just want to know what you think about us having kids. We've just never really talked about it."

"Sure... I mean some day. I think we'd be amazing parents."

"Someday?" I asked, already feeling down about the direction that this conversation was going.

"Bella," He spoke softly, moving so he could face me. "I love you, okay? We could have kids tomorrow, or in ten years or in a million, and I would still love you. I think you'd be an amazing mother, I do want to have kids with you, the timing doesn't matter to me."

"What about your career? You'd really drop everything you've built for yourself if I wanted to have a kid tomorrow? Having them is a full time commitment, Harry." I said warily.

"Yes, I would. Because you mean everything to me. I would do anything for you, as long as it means your happy."

"Are you sure? I mean one-hundred percent... because I want to adopt Ella." I laid it down on the table, not wanting to tiptoe around the topic any longer.



"Bella, this isn't the fault in our stars. But yes, if you want to adopt Ella, let's do it. You talk about her like you're already her mother, when you told me about her you seemed so proud of her. I honestly don't think theres anyone that would be better to be her mom. Plus, I'd like to think I'd be a pretty kick-ass dad." He chuckled. "I'd love to meet her though, for real this time."

"You're amazing." I kissed him, before grabbing my phone from the table next to me.

"Cindy? This is Bella. My fiance and I would love to meet with you when you have time."

the end.

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