Chapter 26.

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"God damn you, Malhotra."

Unblinking on the groaning Aloke sprawled uncomfortably on the street, Manik watched and stayed standing clueless of what to do next "I..I didn't knew it was you."

Having his palm cup his jaw, Aloke bawled grunting in pain "what were you even thinking before throwing that punch, man? I just wanted to wish you a morning."

As confused as he was already, Manik looked around his surrounding for any trace of his father whom he knew was there but out of his sight. Clenching his jaw, Manik looked back at Aloke and grimaced seeing his wrecked- bluish turned cheek which Aloke had his palm cupping it.

"I didn't mean to hit you."

"Yeah sure." Aloke muttered only to wince later "Now will you mind helping me up?"

Reluctant of hurting him again, Manik helped Aloke up on his feet and supported him on standing "Are you good to walk?"

Aloke gave a nod and limped a step forward with Manik walking on his side "Do you always go punching people around or am I only the exception case?"

Manik pressed his lips tight, trying hard not to rebuke on his sarcasm "I told you I didn't mean hitting you, let alone anybody. It was just an unintentional self defence."

"Un..unintentional self..what?" Aloke frowned "Mind telling clearly?"

"I.." Trailing off on his word, Manik licked his dry lips, contemplating about telling him or not "I felt being followed and watched since past few days."

A wondering amusement drawn upon Aloke's wincing face as he gave Manik a furrowed concerned gaze "You are being followed? By whom?"

Manik stayed shut which Aloke took otherwise "Yeah right. You wouldn't had hit me if you had known about your stalker." but later a playful grin crept up over Aloke's face as he patted Manik's back "so my brother-in-law has a stalker, eh? Who do you think it is? Or might I add, who is this 'she' stalking you? Perhaps a lover or something?"

Forcing on not rolling his eyes at Aloke's physically broken state, Manik looked aside and took a deep breath to have a strength to bear Aloke's nonsense till home. Aloke, whereas, took his gesture as his embarrassment and laughed wholeheartedly until he was scowling over his pain.

"Your embarrassment is worth watching and I would pay anything to see that look-"

"-unless you want a punch again on your face then sure."

Aloke zipped his lips tight making Manik give appreciative scoff "now you know better."

Manik sighed in relief seeing no word coming from Aloke ahead, until he was proven wrong when Aloke chose to break the silence "does Nandu knows?"

"About what?" Manik asked, his tone somewhat hyperventilating whereas Aloke shrugged "about your lady-love stalker."

Sighing inwardly, Manik chewed on his inner cheeks and somehow held himself back on snapping the guy "She needs to know nothing."

"Well, I--"

"--and you, of course, are not needed to tell her anything."

Aloke surprisingly didn't argued over the matter, instead nodded understanding. Manik nodded in return and continued ambling along with Aloke who stopped before a pharmacy to buy a baby product.

"My little guy seems really eager to grow up. No wonder why his stuffs has to be re-stocked every week." Aloke chuckled which bought a slight foreign smile over Manik's face.

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