Chapter 44.

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Exiting the principal's office and glaring in disbelief at the nosey and curious students, Professor Trilok marched straight toward the one who is responsible for the disappointment morphing his face.

"Now Manik, tell me what was that violence all about?"

Eyes bleak and trained faraway to the corridor, Manik moulded his fist shut and clenched his busted knuckles harshly when the episode of grotesque from a moment earlier wouldn't stop playing in his mind.

"Manik. I'm asking you something?" yet no answer came from his side which made Professor Trilok exasperated and frenzied out at his unresponsive manner "Manik, do you understand the gravity of the situation? The authorities were ready to take legal action on you for causing violation in the university but being a prestigious alumni and having your record clean I somehow managed the situation. But I will not be able to help you if Aryaman files a case on you"

Nor does he care for it anyway, as all his mind could wrap around was on the scenario which made him furious as lethal, leaving him wrathful when his fist collided with Aryaman's jaw.

After which he was unstoppable, until he heard her shrill whimper.

And just with her thought, his eyes snapped abruptly toward Nandini who just stepped out of the principal's office looking withdrawn as never.

Whereas feeling his constant peer, she found her own frigid gaze settling with his piercing ones, making their eyes do rest of the silent combat with each other.

It's been a while since Aryaman regained his consciousness and finding no one but Navya with him in the infirmary, Aryaman couldn't conceal his dismay.

"Nandini is in the principal's office." Told Navya after finding his longing gaze casted on the door "but she would come here right after that."

"I don't think she would like to see me after what happened there." Eyes dropping down despondently, he sucked a deep tormented breath "Nor can I point accusation upon Mr. Malhotra knowing who is he to her."

"A nobody." Came a sharp voice of Nandini from the door taking the pair of attention toward her as she stepped inside staring straight toward Aryaman's battered state who craned his head aside avoiding looking at her "He is no one to me, Aryaman."

"I- I will just go and call the doctor." Excusing and gesturing Nandini to talk it out with him, Navya silently left the room leaving the duo alone with each other for a while.

"Aryaman." Albeit not wanting to match his eyes with her, Aryaman found his eyes slowly shifting toward her, whose eyes softened at his given attention "Know one thing, Aryaman, before anything, you are my friend. My bestfriend. Upon whom I can rely even with my eyes closed."

"Even after all that happened?"

Sighing at him slowly, Nandini sat beside him and stared at him benevolently "As I said, you are my friend before anything. Hence, nothing has changed. Neither we or our friendship."

Pursing his lips inward, he shrugged mildly with nod "I know. I just ..can't-"

"-Aryaman" cutting him off, Nandini kept her hand on his "can we just go back to how we were before?"

"It's not easy, Nandini." Looking at her, Aryaman smiled dejectedly "And now since you know how I feel for you, it's even more hard to pretend being just a friend of yours."

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