Chapter 47.

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Sitting ten steps behind her in the Dashashwamedh ghat, Manik amidst the crowded ghat, let her vent her heart contained to the one who cannot be any better listener in the entire world.

Sitting by her side was her grandfather, Omprakash, who came up in an instant with in a call by Manik and rest assured him that he will handle the matter from their.

Omprakash has always knew that the day will definitely come sooner or later, but never did he imagined it will affect his granddaughter like that.

Seeing her so devastated made his decrepit heart sore and heavy with undeniable pain.

He could had prevented everything but sadly he didn't see it coming like that. He wanted his granddaughter to know the hideaous truth behind her marriage by the one who deserves to tell her the most.

Craning his head and taking a momentary glimpse of Manik, a man who Omprakash never imagined of he would see so lost and defeated, behind them, Omprakash drew out a heavy sigh looking ahead to the serene holy river of Ganges "You know why we named you 'Nandini'?"

Being submerged already into her thoughts, Nandini didn't quite give him a heed but the way her ear sparked, she knew she wanted to hear her grandfather.

"A girl was finally born in our house after the gap of three long generations." Omprakash smiled softly reminiscing the joyous time of their life "We all were happy. But the one who was most ecstatic was your father, Pankaj."

"And from that instance, he never let you out of his sight. You were the most precious treasure of his life. You were his happiness." He narrated, his voice drooping gradually "And thus, he named you Nandini. Rejoicement. A girl, whose presence is enough for the world to lit up with happiness."

A bead of tear dropped down her eyes, while she stayed void and stoic.

"Then like any Hindus Dharma, your horoscope was made, where we found out the fault you were having in your star. And being an astrologer as well, I couldn't hide the grevious effect the fault could have in your life from Pankaj." Dropping his head, Omprakash shook his head "The more he was happy to have you born, the more he was afraid of losing you."

"But then, just as there is a solution to all the problems, so too was a solution to your faults." He mumbled whilst his dismal dense voice "Marriage."

"We could have gotten you rid of that fault by making you marry a sacred fig, just like Smriti was made to, but again your Dosha was not any ordinary Dosha. It was heavy and grevious and could be solved by you getting married to someone whose stars suitable yours." Staring down to nowhere particular, Nandini closed her eyes and let her ear listen the remaining.

"After an year of your birth, Pankaj was diagnosed with brain tumor. We were not financially strong that's why Pankaj kept postponing the treatment as it will cost him fortune and he wasn't ready to sacrifice you and Aloke with any facilities. He wanted best of everything for his children." Looking at him with grogginess, Nandini's uncertainty made Omprakash tweak a small smile "He bought a sweet shop. Named it 'Gokul-Ras'. Worked hard to stable his children's future after him."

"Along with that, he was even looking after Manik." Omprakash could see frown drawing over Nandini's forehead, however he carried ahead, his face souring slowly.

"Manav had once auctioned his house for a low price..just because he wasn't getting money to get his necessary stuffs. If not for Pankaj, Manik and his family would probably have lived on the street. But then Pankaj sold one of our old plot in the village and bought their house instead on Manik's name."

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