Chapter 31.

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Nandini followed her pace out of the room as soon as the meeting of alumni association was over.

With solemn look on her face, Nandini suddenly came halting on her steps when she heard a group of girls gossiping and muckraking over someone for whom her ears perked.

"Did you see him? The former president of the student council?" A girl from the junior batch exclaimed hyperventilating with excitement.

"Do you mean to say about the handsome and the heartthrob of those golden days of the college?"

"Oh god! Tell me she is talking about the one whom we had just heard but never got to see."

"Yes, yes. It's him. Manik Malhotra."

Eye flickering towards the jovial troop of a fanatic girls, Nandini smiled.

A sad yet nostalgic smile.

Wasn't she also like that?

Always fantasizing and fangirl-ing about him.

As if he was someone godly who was needed to be seen as a good omen and a great luck.

A snort from behind her back brought Nandini back from her thoughts as she looked over her shoulder to find Aryaman, whose pointy glare was fixated over those enthusiastic expressionistic girls.

"They are all behaving as if they have seen some star from the movie.--"

"--I mean, it's true he has been like a 'talk of the town' since he left suddenly" he air quoted ridiculously making Nandini smile while continuing walking and letting Aryaman to follow her trail and rant ahead "and now appeared again but as a member of an association, but that doesn't make him any celebrity. Those girls needs to take a chill, seriously."

"No, instead you need to chill, duffer head." Navya interjected suddenly by joining them and swatting Aryaman's arm "What's up with you, huh?"

"What's up with me?" scowling on her, Aryaman muttered.

"Since the time you have seen Manik you have been in an utterly foul mood." Navya quipped sarcastically "is it because he pinpointed over your resolution idea, or because he was staring 'someone particular' all the while of the meeting which you couldn't stand."

Aryaman screeched nervously however Navya cut in "I think in my conclusion it is because of the former one--"

"-- Miss Naveli!! I suggest you instead to keep your stupid conclusion to yourself."

Aryaman's sudden hurried interruption made Nandini look at both of her friends flatley before she shook her head and sighed "if you guys want to bicker then please do but spare me. I have somewhere to reach."

Seeing her petite figure leaving for the parking lot, Aryaman and Navya looked at each other in suspicion before they pointed their forefinger at each other "Are you also thinking what I am thinking?"

Navya blinked and widen her eyes "is her fangirling for him back?"

Aryaman stared at Navya for a second and then clicked his tongue "but..but she has not shown any signs of something like that."

"She has stopped showing emotions long back after that day of her gauna, Aryaman."

Eyes softening on the realization, Aryaman looked away whereas Navya murmured "all she does is smile or stare flatley towards no one in the name of emotion."

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