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Jungkook's POV

I hurried towards the room that was supposed to be mine and closed the door, sinking down against it.

I feel so embarrassed. He gave clear instructions and still I messed up.

I eyed my room and confirmed myself that the other room could never be mine in the first place.

This room has a simple bed, one small window and looked like it hadn't been cleaned in ages. There was a small wardrobe, which looked like it would collapse at any moment.

I stood up and neared it, carefully opening it.

That's when the door fell out of it's hinge and I was too late to prevent it from falling onto my foot.

I yelped and with a loud thud the door landed onto the ground, me on my butt a few meters away. I angrily got out of my shoes using my hand and held onto my toes, cursing quietly as I did so.

Son of a bitch.

After a little while, I stood up, avoiding the cursed wardrobe and searched for the bedsheets. An empty mattress with a single pillow doesn't look so enviting. I looked underneath the bed but there was nothing, except for maybe five layers of dust.

Maybe I should befriend the dust lice.

Sighing, I looked back at the wardrobe guessing that what I'm searching for, is in it. I neared it and peeked inside, not having to touch it yet since there is one door less anyway.

I was right.

I rubbed my forehead and quickly moved forward, snitching the bedsheets out of it and immediately backed of. Since it's my unlucky day, I don't want the whole wardrobe to collapse.

I walked over to the bed and blew away some dust, a small cloud appearing in the air. I huffed while making my bed ready.

Couldn't he give me any other room than this one?!

On the other hand, his room is right next to mine.

Did he do that on purpose, since I'm his mate?

Only the thought of it made a warm feeling bubble up inside of me.


Jimin's POV

I possessively held my mate in my arms, smiling as I did so. "Yoongi?" He hummed. "Yeah?"

"Do you think Jungkook is okay?" He buried his head into my chest. "You would almost think Jungkook is your mate instead of me." He mumbled. I giggled. "Jealous already? Yoongs, he's my best friend. We literally lost our pack today. He's trying to be stronger than he seems, I just know it."

I'm nothing different. I might not be crying, but I'm more than devastated. I think Jungkook and I have to comprehend all of this first, before reality really sinks in..

Yoongi sighed. "Fine. I understand. You should go check up on him." He pulled away and I nodded, smiling slightly. "Thanks."

I stood up from the bed and walked out of the room, mindlinking Jungkook.

'Kooks, where are you? I want to talk to you.'

-'You're talking to me right now.'

'Brat. I want to see you. You know what I mean.'

-'Second floor, sixth door. You'll know it if you've mistaken the fifth door for the sixth.'

'I won't. Why tho?'

-'You'll know as soon as you open the door.'

I shook my head and walked towards the staircase, avoiding other people. Yoongi already gave me a small tour, so I knew where I needed to go to. I was about to walk around the corner when someone stood infront of me.

"You don't belong here." A guy said. He was taller than me, but I wasn't intimidated in the slightest. I'm still an Alpha.
"I agree. I should be with my pack right now, fullfilling the job of being an Alpha. I should see pack members run around, laughing. I should see small pups chasing around butterflies. But no, I'm here. Now that I'm here, can you move?"

He looked surprised for a moment, nonetheless he moved out of the way. I rolled my eyes.

I knocked onto the sixth door and was greeted with Jungkook hugging me, pulling me inside.

"Jungkookie I mi--What happened to this room?!" I changed my sentence, eyeing the dust and the broken wardrobe. He scratched his neck. "It was like this when I came in here for the first time. I broke the wardrobe, however. Well, you couldn't actually call it a wardrobe since it was--yeah, okay, that's better."

Midway his speech I scurried over to the wardrobe he was talking about and grabbed the door, placing it back into place. I wiped away some dust and coughed, since it was a lot. I opened the doors and made sure the shelves were secured, since I don't want Kooks to have a heart attack in the middle of the night when it comes crashing down.

I dusted my hands off using my shirt and nodded in approval. "That looks better. By the way, what do you mean with the room next to yours? Is there a monster in it or something?" I joked.

"Kind of." I giggled. "I was joking! What the hell is in there??"
"I wasn't. It's the Alpha's room." My mouth made an 'o' shape. "Guess I wasn't joking then either."

"Are you okay, Kooks?" I asked after awhile, sitting down on the bed next to him. He nodded. "I'm fine, Jiminie. I could be better, but I'm fine. For now.. I'm just in shock. I can't actually believe it.."

I looked down. "Me too, me too. I feel like I'm such a bad Alpha. I couldn't protect my own pack. I feel like such a bad son. My dad counted on m-me.." Jungkook hugged me.

"You're not, Jimin. Really. You're the loveliest person I know. You are a good Alpha. If it wasn't for our enemies, you would've done so great. We can't reverse time, but we can change the future. I'm sure eventually everything will be alright. Everything will be okay. Eventually." Jungkook said, still not letting go.

"T-thank you. You're the best. You deserve the world. I'm sorry your mate isn't quite.. A success. I'm sorry he's.. He. I know you've been dreaming about meeting your mate for your whole life, I know how you feel, Jungkookie. But you're not alone, okay? You have me. Always."

Jungkook's POV

I let go of him and nodded, not wanting to talk otherwise he would hear my voice crack. He sighed and stood up, a quick hug before he neared the door. "Sleep well, Jungkook-ah. You need to rest. I'm sure we can get new clothes and stuff later on, but don't worry about that for now."

I nodded again and smiled. "Thank you. Sleep well. Oh, and say the same thing to Yoongi for me." Jimin smiled and nodded, exiting my room.

I buried myself into the blanket, still fully dressed since I don't know what to wear. I closed my eyes and sighed.

I never want to experience this day, ever again.

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