Jungkook's POV

Out of nowhere my wolf came crashing back in, pushing me towards Taehyung. I made grabby hands, my heat taking over me.

I still knew what I was doing, but I didn't fight against it. I actually wanted to hug Taehyung, I actually needed him.

After all, we're mates.
We belong together.

Taehyung patted my back, declining to pick me up so I could wrap my legs around his waist.

I whined and tried again, making him stop patting my back. Instead, he pushed me away.

My breath hitched, my wolf whimpered loudly inside of me.

Does he not want me anymore?

Tears sprung in my eyes, I tried to blink them away. I stared at the ground when Taehyung spoke up.

"Go to bed and take a suppressant, Kook. I'll see you tomorrow." I nodded and I quickly walked out of the room, my head hung low.

Stupid wolf. Why did you have to come back now? Couldn't you wait a few more minutes?

I sped my way towards Hoseok's room and closed the door behind me as soon as I arrived. I took a suppressant immediately and felt how my heat went down a little.

I laid in bed and covered myself with the blanket being very tired from today's events.

When I wake up tomorrow, I'm no longer in heat.

I smiled at the thought and I actually wanted to make a nest out of Taehyung's clothes, but I already fell asleep as soon as that thought came to mind.

Tomorrow I'll try to be the best mate for Taehyung ever, we'll work this out together.

Avery's POV


I smirked and ran out of the pack house, not having any time to waste.

I found Felix's adress.

Apparently, he oftenly roams around the borderline of rogue territory.

How I know that?

Like I said, I have a few acquaintances who live in rogue territory. They see that witch pass by every now and then.

I changed into my wolf form and I ran as quickly as I possibly could.

After half an hour or so, I panted while stopping.

I arrived.

I changed back in my human form and looked around.

Darkness, trees, even a darker place, more trees and--


I turned my head around, trying to figure out where the sound was coming from.

It was dark, I squinted my eyes trying to see something. Even with my wolf vision, I can't see very far.

I saw a light in the distance, so I decided to head over there.

I hid behind a tree when I got closer, wanting to take a better look.

I saw a person standing there with a flashlight. I tried to sniff his scent, but there was none.

This is probably the witch I'm searching for..

I cleared my throat while walking towards him, making sure he wouldn't flinch.

"H-hey, um.. Are you perhaps Felix?" I asked to make sure.

A Chance To Be With You ✓Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon