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Jungkook's POV

I was cuddled up against Taehyung, underneath the warm blanket. I was hugging him so tightly, I was sure I was squeezing the air out of his lungs.

"What's wrong, Jungkookie?" He asked, making me look at him.

"I-I don't know.. I just feel this immense urge to stay so close to you.." I got confused at my own actions, not sure knowing why.

"Alright, don't worry about it. Maybe your Omega just wants some extra attention.."

I hummed. Maybe.


The next day I woke up in a mountain of Taehyung's clothes, Taehyung himself nowhere to be found.

I'm.. Nesting?

I furrowed my brows, trying to figure out what happened last night.

I rubbed my forehead when I remembered that I woke up in the middle of the night, silently grabbed Taehyung's clothes and buried myself in them, continuing to sleep.

While I was thinking, I realized that my scent became heavier, needier.

I felt a sting in my lower abdomen and I widened my eyes.

No, this couldn't be happening.

Am I having those last two days of my heat right now?!

Is that even possible?!

Taehyung's POV

My wolf had been restless all day. Ever since I woke up and saw Jungkook nesting, my wolf was all over the place. Something is happening, but I have no clue what.

I sighed and scribbled something on a blank piece of paper, trying to fit the puzzle pieces together. I crumbled the paper angrily when I still couldn't think of anything, throwing it in the bin.

I groaned and exited my office, heading back to my room to see Jungkook.

I knocked on the door and when I heard no response, I entered. I furrowed my brows at the scent that lingered in the air, but soon enough my eyes widened.

He's.. In heat?

But he just went through his previous heat?

I knocked on the bathroom door, "Bunny, are you okay?"

I heard a faint, hoarse voice coming from the inside saying, 'n-no.'

I opened the door and saw Jungkook sitting in the bathtub fully clothed, the water was ice cold when I stuck my hand in it to feel it.

"Are you okay? Is there something I can do for you? Do you need medic--"


I gulped. Oh no.

"Yes?" I nervously looked at him.

We stared in each other's eyes, his half lidded.

"H-help me p-please~"

Knowing what he was talking about -I didn't really want to believe it- I asked, "With what exactly, love?"

He stirred in the bath, sticking his hand out. "T-touch me, p-please Alpha~"

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, opening them again when Jungkook moaned out, "Please~"

I lifted him out of the bathtub -not caring about my own clothes getting wet- and tucked him in bed, also not caring about that getting soaked wet.

"Not yet, love. I don't want to rush anything and I want you to be sure about your decision. This came way to unexpected,  otherwise we could've talked about this in advance. I'm sorry, but now is not the time yet."

I bit my lip when his eyebrows furrowed, he looked hurt.

"D-don't you want to touch m-me? Don't you--Can't you look at me t-that way..?"

I shook my head, brushing my hand through his hair. "Of course not, silly. I do, but you're not in the right state of mind. I want to finish the courting completely and wait for your next heat."

He nodded tiredly, "O-okay.. Can I have the suppressant in the drawer?" He looked to his side, hinting me for the nightstand.

"Of course. Wait a moment.."

I walked over to the nightstand and took the box of suppressants, getting a glass of water and I handed it to Jungkook.

"Thank you.." He mumbled, his eyes closing due to the fact he was exhausted.

I laid down next to him and made sure to keep an eye on him, wanting to be there for him.

I watched as he fell asleep and I noticed how his scent went down, almost back to normal.

I smiled and waited till he woke up, which was approximately after an hour or so.

"How are you feeling?" I asked, seeing him rub his eyes and yawn.

"Better. Way better. Sorry for my weird behavior a while ago, I wasn't in the right state of mind." He scratched his head. "It's fine, don't worry about it. Are you hungry? I could get you someth--"

A knock on the door interrupted me. We both turned our gazes to the door and I spoke up, "Who's there?"

"I-it's Avery.. Alpha, I need to talk to you. It's urgent."

My heart beat quickened, all kinds of worries running through my head.

I looked at Jungkook and he nodded, gesturing for me to go and talk to her.

I bit my lip and mouthed 'sorry,' before stepping out of bed and opening the door.

There she was, the she wolf who I slept with - I still hate myself for it and I don't think I can ever forgive myself- tears trailing down her cheeks.

I nearly puked at her scent, unwanted images flashing through my head.

"L-let's go talk in my office." She nodded and I closed the door behind me.

"So what's wrong?" I asked, locking the office door behind us.

She stood in front of my desk, fiddling with her fingers as she sobbed.

Tapping my foot on the floor impatiently, "Go on, I don't have all day."

She looked up at me -very much to my displeasing when she dared to look in my eyes- and grabbed something out of her pocket, taking steps towards me.

I followed her moves, not taking my eyes off of her. I don't trust her.

She handed me the thing in her hands, and I slowly turned my gaze to it.

My heart stopped seeing it, my breath got stuck in my throat.

"A-alpha.. I'm pregnant."

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