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Jungkook's POV

"What?" I asked in utter unbelieve. "It's too early for that, he doesn't want to go that far yet.."

Jimin shook his head, the other guys were intently listening. "I know it, Jungkook. I'm an Alpha myself, I understand what he's doing. I think he wants to discover that new world with you, during the courting process. And since your heat will start tomorrow and it'll end after four days, he's taking his time."

My eyes went wide, my breath hitched. "But.. He hasn't even kissed me yet. Then how could he--"

"Trust me, Jungkook. I really think you should go back to him right now. If I'm correct, he'll do literally anything to make you happy."

I just sat there, not sure if I should really go to him. The thought of him trying to court me was so cute and it is everything I ever wished for, but at the same time I'm nervous. It's all so new, what if I accidentally mess something up? I'm not familiar with all of that, and the thought of him wanting to court me made made feel all kinds of things.

My thoughts got interrupted when Seokjin pushed me out of the room.

"Just go to him already, jeez."

"Go collect your manz!" Yoongi jokingly shouted, making the others laugh.

I nodded and walked out of the room, heading back towards Taehyung's.

Hoseok's POV

Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit.

"I need to go." I stood up, teleported to the rogue territory without another word and cursed again.

This can't be happening..

I'm glad that Taehyung and Jungkook are starting to get so close together, even without the potion.

He hasn't even bothered to drink from it yet.

I have my tricks to know all of this, I don't have to be in the same room as them.

I cursed when I stumbled over a rock and shook my head, running further.

Where the hell is he?!

I'm so sorry to Jungkook, to Taehyung for what I'm going to cause them but there won't be another time. Taehyung has to know this before he mates with Jungkook.

There is no other way.

Even if it would mean that Taehyung would never want to see me again -which would be understandable when I tell him the truth- I just hope that I can stay. He's like my family, I've known him for so long.

I sighed and that's when my eyes fell onto a figure in the distance, after running for like fifteen minutes.

'I'm so sorry, Taehyung, Jungkook.'

Narrator's POV

Jungkook entered Taehyung's room and was greeted with being scented, the Lycan happy that his mate was back.

It took a while for Taehyung to realize that he should move on from his dead lover, forget what his dad taught him and make choices for his own sake.

Jungkook, the most beautiful omega ever stood right in front of him. And he was his mate.

Taehyung wanted to make this right. He wanted to make up for the mistakes he made.

The Omega deserves it. After all he's done, Jungkook still forgave him.

Taehyung smiled, kissing Jungkook's forehead. "I made you a warm bath! I thought that you'd maybe like to relax a bit before your heat starts.."

The younger smiled. "Thank you! That's really nice of you."

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