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Jungkook's POV

It's been a week. I've recovered successfully, the guys explained what exactly happened when I almost died.

Hoseok told me everything about Avery. Eventhough she's dead, it can still make my blood boil.

The doctor who helped Avery was sent to rogue territory with a spell on him to stay safe, to go and see his son. After all, he told us the honest truth and was promised that he wouldn't be killed or kicked out of the pack because of it.

I was shocked to hear that his son appeared to be Ji-ho. At first I thought that it could be someone else, but when the doctor discribed his son, it had to be him.

I felt so happy to hear that he was still alive, I wanted to go see him immediately.

But of course, I needed to recover so I couldn't. It would also be dangerous, so someone has to come with me.

Taehyung, however.. We haven't spoken to each other the whole week. We sometimes made eye contact and I could see that he was worried about me, but I could also tell from his body language that he had no idea to come up to me.

After all, what was there to say?

Another sorry?

I sighed and looked up at the bright blue sky, leaning back so I was laying on the grass.

I closed my eyes for a second, feeling a soft breeze rush past me.

That's when I heard someone clear his throat.

I opened my eyes and sat up, eye to eye with Taehyung.

I fiddled with my fingers and averted my gaze to the trees in the background, feeling all kinds of emotions run through me.

Mostly sadness.

I heard a soft sigh coming from him, before he spoke up.


"-Sorry?" I looked up at him, before looking somewhere else.

"No. Well yes, but that's not what I wanted to say. Jungkook, we haven't spoken to each other for the whole week, and my wolf is restless. I want to stay by your side, I want to hold you close. I already explained to you why I decided to reject you, but I would gladly do it again. Listen, Jungkookie. I was dumb.
So dumb. I was blind, to see how Avery was fooling me. But I couldn't help it. I was so enraged, my wolf wants you. Only you, and of course, so do I. But since I'm the Alpha, I had to think with my head, not my heart. I had to fix the problem, I couldn't sit down and cuddle with you while watching how--"

I stood up, a meter of three between us, "Imagine if the truth hadn't come out. Imagine that Avery was still alive, and I would've been successfully rejected, without laying on a sudden death bed. What then? What would you do then? Go to Avery, pretend you're straight and be with her? Raise your heir together, that she would become the Luna?" I interrupted him, a hurtful look in my eyes.

My voice starting to get shaky, I resumed, "But what about me then? Would've you just pretended that I didn't exist? That I've never stepped into your life? That this-" I pointed at him, then at me, "-Never happened? 'Cause trust me, the memories and the guilt would eat you alive. If it wouldn't, you never truly loved me in the first place." I finally finished, throwing all my bottled up emotions out.

Taehyung's eye twitched at this. "What?! No! You can't say that! Be glad that it never happened, be glad that the truth came out!"

I scoffed, "Yeah! That's true, I am glad, believe me! But if the truth hadn't came out, that's exactly what would've happened!"

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