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Taehyung's POV

My blood was boiling. Right after Jungkook left, I slammed my fist onto my desk.

I was enraged. How dare that wolf to hurt my pack member?!

I left my office and headed outside, going to 'hunt' for that 'deer' I was talking about.

I wasn't planning on hunting today.

The only thing I'm going to kill is that rogue who attacked my mate.

As soon as I was outside, I changed into my wolf form and headed into the forest, planning on finding my victim.

My bloodshot red eyes said enough.

Sungjae's POV

"Sorry if I was a bit harsh on you.." I apologized to the brown wolf, who now shifted back into his humanform. "It's okay. Don't worry about it. I understand that you wanted to impress that omega."

I sat down on the ground and smiled. "He was beautiful, wasn't he?" I dreamily asked.

He nodded. "He was a beauty. I definitely understand why you want him as your mate." Jackson confirmed.

Jackson is a rogue, but I've known him for sometime. He just doesn't feel like joining another pack, not even mine when I asked him.

"When I saw him for the first time, I immediately wished for him to be my mate. Unfortunately, I found out he already met his. Luckily for me, his mate doesn't want him."

Jackson hummed. "I see. Well, I wish you the best of luck. I'm sure he'll like you." I smiled. "Of course. We already share a mind link."

His eyes widened. "That's quick. He must be really happy you saved him."

Hoseok's POV

I scratched my head, after hearing Jungkook's story.

Did the potion not work?

I've seen Taehyung drink from it again..

I released the hug and smiled. "Are you feeling better now?"

"I'm feeling great now, thank you Hobi!" Jungkook smiled.

"I need to go now, I still have a few things that need to be done. You should rest, you need to heal." He swallowed the last bit of his soup and said, "I will. Thanks for bringing the soup. It was delicious."

"Of course it is. Jin made it."

I walked towards the door, "I'll see you tomorrow."

Narrator's POV

Taehyung ran all the way over to rogue territory, scanning the borderline. There was no one in sight, and due to the fact he was drinking Hoseok's potion, he couldn't go any further otherwise he would risk his life.

Even when he drinks his potion, he's a very, very strong Alpha. But no one can fight a whole, huge 'pack' of rogues.

Unfortunately for him, he began drinking the potion regularly making him weaker and weaker. He didn't know this, he just kept drinking from it to prevent the small 'problems' which keep occurring when he's near the omega. His mate.

But there is another problem. When Hoseok messed with that potion, he wanted to get those two together. So he tried to lessen the effects of the potion, causing those small 'problems' Taehyung has, to occur a bit more often.

Especially when he's around his mate.

Taehyung growled and turned back around, still scanning the area, when he really didn't find anything.

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