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Jungkook's POV

As soon as I heard thunder I flinched. I've been scared of thunder ever since I was young.

"You okay, Kooks?" Jimin asked. I nodded, pressing my lips into a thin line. "'M fine."

After the door was smashed close in my face and I heard Hoseok and Taehyung screaming, I ran away, to Jimin's room.

"Hey, um, I'm actually pretty tired so I'll go to sleep now." I said, standing up from the bed and waved to Jimin and Yoongi, who were looking at me. "Alright. Sleep well. I hope you feel a bit better now. Also, I can't wait to meet your new friend!" Jimin smiled, knowing he's always able to cheer me up.

I smiled. "Of course! He's very nice. I'll introduce you to him tomorrow." I walked out of the room and closed the door, heading towards my own.

It was suddenly very dark outside, rain was pouring down and when another strike of thunder and lightning hit, I dashed forward. I closed the door from my room and changed the clothes I was wearing for way too long now, for the pj's Taehyung gave me.

Or well, I should still return to him.

He just let me borrow them..
I guess.

Another strike of thunder hit and I bolted underneath the dusty blankets, pressing my eyes shut.

Taehyung's POV

I yawned while walking towards my room. I was about to walk around the corner, when I saw someone dashing into his room. A wave of lavender hit my nostrils and I confirmed that it was Jungkook. Curiosity got the best of me and I peeked through the keyhole from his door.

I saw a shivering bump underneath the blankets.

Is he cold?

..Or is he afraid of thunder?

Another loud thunder echoed in the sky and I saw the bump flinch, so I now knew for sure.

I stood up straight and sighed, rubbing my forehead.

I looked to the left and right and saw no one, so I opened the door of my mate's room.

I walked inside and locked the door behind me, not wanting Jimin or someone the burst through the door unexpectedly.

"Jungkook? You okay?" I hesitantly asked, standing at his side.

I saw the blanket move down a bit, just two eyes peeking out.

My wolf found it adorable.

I hid my smile in the dark and just kept a straight face.

"N-no I'm s-scared.." When a sob left his mouth I panicked.

What am I going to do now?!

I just stood there, until he lifted the blankets off of him and made grabby hands, wanting a hug I assume.

It was at this moment my wolf died because of cuteness level overload.

I was hesitating. Should I?--

Oh my god Taehyung, just do it for once and don't act like a jerk, for once.

I sighed once again and hugged him, my arms around him while he gladly hugged me back.

The whole action sended electricity shocks throughout my whole body.

The very first time I'm actually touching my mate, in a caring way..

Jungkook's POV

I was dumbfounded to find Taehyung in my room, standing next to me to ask me what was wrong.

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