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Taehyung's POV

'Tik.. tok.. tik.. tok.. tik.. tok..' I groaned and turned my attention to the annoying clock, which to my surprise read 00:00. Is it that late already? Shrugging, I stood up ready to leave my office. I almost finished what had to be done, I can do the rest tomorrow.

I closed the door behind me and silently walked up the stairs, heading towards my room. The whole pack house was in utter silence, everyone was already asleep. In the faint distance you could hear some cricket noises and there was this owl who was being too loud for my liking.

Knowing I can't do anything about the annoying creature, I putted my hand onto the doorknob from my room only to stop. I looked to my right and stared at the door next to me, the entrance to the bedroom my mate was in.

I released my grip onto the doorknob I was holding onto and carefully walked over to my mate's room, not knowing what the hell got into me. I putted my ear against his door and listened. Knowing he's asleep, I quietly opened his door. I peeked inside, only to see a bump sticking out from underneath the blanket and some soft snores.

The wooden floor beneath me creaked a little when I neared his bed, making me slightly annoyed. He can't see me in here. He can't wake up right now.

Once I stood next to him, I stared at his face. I squatted down onto my knees and rested my head onto my palms, studying his facial expressions.

His hair was hanging in front of his eyes tickling him slightly. If I were him, I would find it very annoying.

I raised my hand, about to move his hair strand out of his face, when I realized what I was doing.

What the hell.

Why do I even bother?

I retracted my hand and was about to stand up and leave, when his soft snores turned into whimpers and his facial expression turned into a very uncomfortable one.

His addicting scent turned into something stronger, making me clearly smell fear radiating off of him.

Is he having a nightmare?

I felt my wolf panicking, and I had no clue on what to do. My wolf wanted to comfort him, but I was disgusted with the idea.

Minutes passed and he began stirring in his bed, now rather loud whimpers coming out of his mouth. A tear slipped from his eye and I could see him sweating.

Meanwhile I was having a mental breakdown. What the hell do I do?! I'm terrible at comforting people, not because I never did in the first place, but because of my dominant Alpha aura that isn't going to help.

Who knows, maybe he's having a nightmare about me and I would make it even worse!

The thought of him having a bad dream about me displeased me. Or well, not me, but my wolf who can't stop caring about the weak omega in front of me. 

I walked back and fort and that's when I noticed something.


Not now.

My scent intensified, and I knew very well what that meant.

My spray or how I call it 'identity hider' lessened in just matter of seconds, and I didn't know how quickly I sped out of the room, into my own. I locked the door behind me and made my way over to my safe. I unlocked it by typing in the six numbers and opened it, grabbing the small bottle.

I removed the cap and carefully poured 10 milliliters of the substance into it, then drinking it.

My scent immediately went down to how it was and I sighed, putting everything back into place.

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