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" Mhmmmh, Daddy right there!"

" Fuck Babygirl! UGH!"

' My God! I Can't sleep!' I say to myself, as I keep on tossing and turning around my bed.

Moans and Groans were heared near Jimin and Tzuyu's room. They are so fucking loud, I Can't go to sleep! And its 4:00am in the fucking morning! Who the hell would do this in the morning! Like man... give rest please. Have MERCY on me!

" FUCK! JUST LIKE THAT MMMM! " I heared Jimin say.

' I want to go in their room, and be like " WHAT TIME DO YOU CALL THIS!" ' I looked up at the celing for a few seconds and buried my face into the pillows.

' I CAN'T SLEEP! UGHHHHHHHHH' I screamed lightly into the pillows.

" AHHH! AHHHH! BABY!" Tzuyu screamed.

' How the fuck am I supposed to go to sleep, with this noice. Also,how do the others go to sleep like this! Am I the only one hearing this, or what?'

" WAAAAAAAA!" I wanted to scream.

' Is there even a way, to not hear them?" I question myself.

I got up and all I see is darkness, and the moon shining against my window.

I kept on looking at the moon, because of it's brightness. The moon was the only thing to make my room light up. That's how much light the moon gives. Also because it was dark, it was a lot brighter, but it another hour it's gonna be sunrise,Witch will be my time to wake up early.


I sighnd...

' There has to be a way not to hear them!" I thoughted.

" If Soyeon was here, everything would've been fine... but Sometimes that's never going to happen." I talk to myself.


I turned on my phone, and layed back again on my bed. I started to think for a moment.' What to do, what to do.' I thoughted.

" MUSIC!" I say outloud, by accident. I cover my mouth. I couldn't hear their moans anymore.

' Oh SHIT!' I screamed inside myself.

I quickly went inside the covers, and closed my eyes forcley.

" OH MAN I HOPE THEY DIDN'T HEAR! WHY DID I SAY THAT OUTLOUD!" I say, hating myself for what I said.

It was dead silence, all I could hear was myself breathing.

I'm scared...

I started to hear footsteps coming near, and near towards my bedroom. I open my eyes, and blink for a few times. I looked at the door, and saw the door handle opening.

I quickly shut my eyes again, so that no one knows I'm awake.

' Cross my Fingers that it isn't Jimin' I say inside myself.

The door made a noice...

" Y/N." I heared a female voice say softly.

I smiled...

I know who that is...

" Ara?" I ask, I get up, witch made me sit on my bed. She smiled at me, making me smile back.

" Are you okay, I heared something here, witch made me concerned." She says. Ara came and sat next to me on the bed, and cupped my hands together.

" You alright?" She asked.

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