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Henry Wayne here. Just wanted to thank you all for the support you've been according my book. The last chapter was a special dedication to all those who've loved and lost, be it a sibling, a parent, any other relative, or even a friend. I also used it to express the inner turmoil each of the main characters is undergoing. I wanted to dial back on the action just a bit.

Anyway, the story is about to come to a conclusion. I'll be kicking off writing the final chapters very soon. I want to warn you though, the last chapter of this book is going to be a tearjerker and you guys better get your tissues ready. I want the story to have an epic conclusion, one that closes the story lines, yet also opens possibilities to writing a sequel. 

Yes, you heard me right, a sequel. But I'll only write the sequel on condition that I still have much story to tell. With writing a story, it's hard to tell where my head will go narrative-wise. If I feel that my new ideas are worthy enough to launch the writing of a sequel, then I'd be totally down for it. But mark my words, it depends on whether I have enough story to tell and new characters too. It also depends on the coronavirus pandemic. If we're told to resume schools early (I'm in a Kenyan boarding school by the way, so no electronic gadgets allowed, I know, it's basically prison), then I'd be forced to postpone the writing of the sequel to a later date. This is the most free time I've ever had and I decided to tackle the challenge of writing a story before everything goes back to normal.

Again, I want to thank you guys so much for the support you've given me thus far. It really means so much to me and I want you guys to know that you're all important to me. Writing this story has been a very uplifting challenge, and I try so hard to do it right. Many times I thought about shelving the project, especially in the first drafts, but your encouragement has kept me going. I have a special announcement for you. After the final chapter pertaining the narrative, I'm going to release a very special chapter to you guys. It's a surprise and after the chapter comes out, I'd love your feedback on matters pertaining that chapter. Very key information will be revealed to you. Stay tuned when it comes out. In the meantime, enjoy the final chapters of the book. I assure you, they're going to be a smash! Can't wait!

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