Chapter Thirty-Six: Bridges of Life, Part One.(The Finale)

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Charlotte Page and Chapa stood on the beams, unable to move.

"It's now," Emma said. "Dad, I'm ready."

"Don't do this. I understand your pain..." Charlotte said.

"You don't understand anything! You're the perfect girl who's always had everything she's ever dreamed to have. I had to cry myself to sleep because my dad is dead. Shut up because you don't know anything!"

"I know you're in pain, but you can't do this. Innocent people will..."

"No one is innocent! I'm doing the right thing by my dad. Daddy is right about you."

"Your dad is dead! You just said so!" Chapa said.

"No, he's still alive! He's here, watching me, seeing everything to perfection. Right, daddy?" 

Chapa rolled her eyes in anger.

"Your dad is dead and..."

"Shut up! He's alive! And he wants me to do this. Yes, everything is coming together!"

"Emma, calm down," Charlotte said.

"No! Shut up, mom! I killed you because you were weak. You never loved me. You tainted dad's memory by fucking every boy on the street!"

She whizzed as her previously perfect hair fell apart.

"Guess I learnt from the best, mother. I hate you, I hate my mother. I hate you Angelina!"

"Oh my God!" Charlotte said, in shock.

"Everyone will betray me. Like they did to my dad. I have to end everyone. Everyone has to die!"


"Yes! After this, I'll kill everyone, including Brett, and Arasha and even Bose. He's a liar and he'll turn against me and kill me too. Right, daddy?"

"You need professional help!" Charlotte said.

"Shut the fuck up! I also have the right to be happy!" she said as she broke down.

"Emma, I know that your dad loved you..."

"He loved this country. Love is for fools! Fear is the only way to establish control!"

She puffed rapidly.

"You'll be alright, Emma. Calm down!" Charlotte said.

"SHUT UP!" Emma shouted as she stabbed Charlotte with a knife in the thigh making her scream in pain. The knife was hanging from her thigh.

"Are you O.K.?" Chapa asked.

"A knife is hanging from my thigh, so no."

"Let that be a lesson to you. I will not be tamed!" she shouted as she pressed the tiny button on a new remote, reactivating Charlotte's powers. She had Chapa's electricity activated. The beams of green and yellow light covered them as Chapa's red electricity was extracted from her body, powering the machine. Charlotte conducted the energy as her body shook from the surge in electricity.  The ground shook. The magma in the core rose.


"Jasper, please, you have to talk to me!" Veronika shouted at Jasper. They were at Pema's house. Her corpse was in the trunk of the escape van.

"I don't want to talk about anything else, other than figuring out where that transmitter is!" Jasper said. 

"We can't work together if we can't clear the air between us!"

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