elveloy - Nominated for Best On The Rise, Thriller

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 Ana: Hello and I think I see my first guest. elveloy, yoo-hoo honey over here. *Ana jumps up and down * And who is your scrummy date?

 *elveloy walks down the red carpet in tight black leather dress pants with a dark blue silk shirt, on her arm flirting with the crowd is Captain Jack Harkness dressed in his long WWII greatcoat.*

 Ana pushes elveloy out of the way and cuddles up to Jack.: Hello, handsome.

 Jack: Whoa, handsy.

 *Pulling back laughing he moves back around to elveloy other side. elveloy  clears her throat, standing arms crossed waiting for Ana to remember herself.*

 Smiling Ana: Right sorry. Yum, wait where was I?

 elveloy: At the beginning, a hello would be nice.

 Ana: Right yes hello. Um… Ok. So elveloy congratulations your story ‘Untouchable’ has been nominated for Best On The Rise Thriller, tell me how did you react when you got the news?

 elveloy: I ran up the walls, across the ceiling and knee slid across the floor!

Ana: Not in those pants I’m guessing. Love the outfit by the way. So tell us a bit about your story.

elveloy: It's a story about an officer in the Space Patrol (he's gay) and his best friend (he's not) who get caught up in murder. It's a thriller / adventure story with lots of romance.

Ana: Sounds like fun. Did Jack here help out with the details. How did you meet by the way? Tell us all about yourselves. Self I meant self.

elveloy snuggles up against Jack, smiling coyly: Well, *long pause* I can't it's all a secret. The only thing I will reveal is that I'm an Aussie.

*The  Aussie’s in the crowd give a quick: Aussie. Aussie. Aussie.*

 Ana and elveloy together: Oi. Oi. Oi.

 Ana smooth’s back a stray hair: Yes well. So is Thriller your favorite genre to write?

elveloy: No. My favorite genre to write is Sci-fi / Romance - for some reason I really enjoy writing about hot men (haha) but only PG13 - not R. I loved Star Trek as a child.

 Ana: Hot men, yum but pointed ears don’t do it for me. How did you find out about Wattpad?

elveloy steps possessively in front of Jack: I found out about wattpad after I wrote a book on my computer and went into Google with the question "Where can I put up my story for others to read?"

 Ana: And we are all glad that you did. Well I had better let you get on, though Jack can stay if he likes.

 *Jack laughs following elveloy, gingerly stepping around Ana as she tries to pinch his butt.*

 Ana: Well that was my good friend elveloy. A very talented writer with excellent taste. If you want to check out her story ‘Untouchable’ then you can either click on the external link on the right of the screen or you can click on the adorable looking possum in the dedication picture. Give it a read so you know your favorites come Awards voting time.

Watty Awards 2012 Interviews - Round TwoDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora