miss_oline - nominated for most popular, Short story

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*miss_oline comes gliding down the carpet in a pair of black milk leggings with black long see-through batwing chiffon top, the black inner underneath hiding only what it should, and spike black JC Lita. On her arm looking very debonair in his fancy tuxedo, is her fiancé. *

Ana: miss_oline what an absolute pleasure to see you again *Smiles*

miss_oline: And you too Ana. This is certainly different from that cramped little office we did the interview for round one in. Did you ever catch that rat that ran across the floor?

Ana squirms: I told you before, it wasn’t a rat, and it was my boss’ teacup Chihuahua.

miss_oline: Chihuahua’s tails are not that long or thin.

Ana: This one’s is. I think its tail holds a record for something.

*miss_oline opens her mouth to argue further but is interrupted by a puffing Sally holding a full water bottle.*

Ana: Where have you been?

Sally: Getting *pant* water *pant* for malin87 *pant*

Ana takes the bottle and throws it over her shoulder: Were you waiting for the polar icecaps to melt? malin87 left over an hour ago.*Sally collapses into a balled heap* So miss_oline, your story Until We Meet Again Love has been nominated for most popular Short story. How did you react to the news?

miss_oline looks down at the fallen girl: Should we be worried?

Ana: She’s a drama queen, ignore her and she’ll get up. The news, how did you react? And go.

miss_oline still frowning: Jumping up and down in my room and yelling happily. Before that? *gasp* shocked!

Ana: Mattress sales must go though the roof in the first week of November, so many people jumping on the bed. What’s your story about?

miss_oline: It's a short story which happened in Valentine's Day. A bit sad, but romantic nonetheless. Besides, it will show you about true love between the main characters :D

Ana: Oh love *Ana bats her eyebrows*  is that your favorite genre to write?

miss_oline: Romance/Humor yes. I love to write any genres, but these two things have to be a part in it, because I'm a romantic at heart and love to write humorous things :D

Ana: A romantic at heart, huh? Any other little tidbits you want to share with out viewers about yourself?

miss_oline: Hmm... I'm a talkative girl who's falling in love with writing since joining Wattpad back in August 2011. An avid reader who loves romance, werewolf, forbidden romance, anything that sparks my interests. Lately, I'm so busy with life, my online shop, and my fashion blog, therefore I haven't got the chance to post anything at all. Thanks to my fans that keep reminding me to update.

Ana: You’ve gotta love your fan base.

miss_oline: oh, I do.

Ana: One last question before you’re off… If you can have one super power what would it be?

miss_oline laughs: I want to be invisible and do the pranks that my character, Libby did in Pranky Love. That'd be awesome, since no one would know that I was the one who had done that.

Ana: Sneaky. Well see you and good luck in the Watty’s.

miss_oline: Goodbye and good luck to you too Ana.

Ana: Thanks.  If you want to give miss_oline’s story ‘Until We Meet Again Love a read then click on the external link on the right of the screen or you can click on the dedication picture above. Give it a read so you know your favorites come Awards voting time.

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