Jordy_Marie - nominated for best On the Rise, Romance.

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Ana: So I'm joined here tonight is Jordy_Marie. Forget the dress, not that you don’t look nice but are they Christian Louis Vuitton shoes?

Jordy_Marie picks up a foot to show off her heels: What can I say;I'm a girly girl.

Ana: Nice, and your date?

Jordy_Marie laughs crouching down to pat the German Shepard at her side: My dog, Flash. He's wearing his fur.

Ana: As long as his carpet broken he’s fine. Sally is still off on her water crusade and there’s no way I’m touching a pooper-scooper.

Jordy_Marie: You should be safe. Oh as long as he doesn’t get too excited or nervous.

Ana takes a huge step back: Your story Troubadour has nominated for best On the Rise for Romance. What’s it about?

Jordy_Marie: It's the sequel to my novel, Elevator Music, although you can follow along without reading the first. It follows Addie Clark as an adult (Elevator Music is her as a teenager) and she is back with the boy band 'The Light' and was weaseled into writing more songs for their comeback tour.

Ana: How did you react when you got the news?

Jordy_Marie: Happy dance!

Ana: Can you show us?

Jordy_Marie takes a huge breath, pauses then lets it out in a rush: Not in these heels.

Ana: Spoil sport. Was there any point in your story that you were struck by writers block?

Jordy_Marie: Of course. Who doesn't get it? What I do is read, read, read to get inspired. Or I put it on the back burner so I can think about it. I also get moving! I get on the treadmill and think while I run. It gives me time to daydream. . .unless I fall.

Ana: Does that happen often? Never mind, tell me a little about your self?

Jordy_Marie: I write to escape my life, which most often time sucks.

Ana bends down to pat Flash: With such a nice doggy woggly by your side?

Flash growls and Ana straightens.

Jordy_Marie pulls back on his leash: Sorry he’s not usually like this. Maybe he doesn’t like your perfume?

Ana mutters:  Maybe he has no taste. What is your favorite genre to write?

Jordy_Marie: I love Paranormal/Horror because ANYTHING can happen. In my paranormal/horror novels (I got a few) anything does happen.

Ana: Nice plug.

Jordy_Marie smiles cheekily: Thank you.

Ana throws her arm around Jordy_Marie: So this is Jordy_Marie if you want to check out her story ‘Troubadour’click on the external link on the right of the screen, or you could click on the dedication picture above. Give it a read so you know your favorites come Awards voting time.

Jordy_Marie smiles and steps away. Just then Ana feels a warm steam trickle down the back of her leg. In shocked horror Ana turns to Jordy_Marie, her mouth opening and closing in muted rage.

Jordy_Marie: I’m so sorry, really I thought he wou-

Ana holds up her hand for silence.

Jordy_Marie: He really hasn’t done this bef-

Dropping her head Ana once again holds up her hand.

Jordy_Marie starts to back away: I’ll just be going then.

Unable to do more Ana nods her head. 

Watty Awards 2012 Interviews - Round TwoWhere stories live. Discover now