Romantic_Stories - nominated for best Cast2012

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*Dispute the odd stray arm or leg being visible the bulbous brown mass that hid Maya_2001’s possie, made it pass the doorman. As they took a few steps inside Cube tripped over QueenSissaRomanov long train and they all tumbled out. In seconds they were all up jumped up and separated, though whether they were trying to hid from the door man or King JohnS_2’s elite guards was not hard to tell.*

Romantic_Stories: Anything interesting happening in there?

Ana turns away from the scene: Not yet but if John catches any of them there may be a beheading later.

Romantic_Stories: Medieval fun.

Ana: That’s one way of looking at it. Nice dress.

*Romantic_Stories does a turn showing off her red dress and black converses trainers. By her side her date Matt Lanter, wearing a black button down shirt with a pair of jeans, looks fondly on.*

 Romantic_Stories: Thank you.

Ana: So your story ‘Hello Baby.....’ has been nominated for best Cast2012. How did you react when you got the news?

Romantic_Stories: I was screaming the house down. I showed all of my brothers and just well jumped everywhere.

Ana: Energetic. What’s your story about?

Romantic_Stories: My story is basically about a girl named Kaitylin. Her brother and sister and well everyone hate her because she's odd and different and the fact that they think she killed her parents. Her mate rejects. She gets to graduate early so she goes back to Scotland where her parents died. She gets a boyfriend and some kids. Then she finds out that she has to move back home because of a problem. Once she goes their she gets a job as a English teacher in her old school where she has to teach the people she once hated. Also, she kinda becomes a cop as well.

Ana: Extra homework for everyone then and double detention for talking in class.

*Romantic_Stories just smiles and shakes her head*

Ana grins: Well, come on, tell us a bit about your self.

Romantic_Stories: Well I'm in Year 10. I'm the tallest girl in my year. I have the most best friend's in the world. I'm British. But I do have a brummie accent, not a British one.

Ana shudders: Brummie? You don’t mean that annoying little yellow car kids show do you?

Romantic_Stories: No, can’t you hear the Brummie in my voice?

Ana: I can hear your voice. What’s your favorite movie?

Romantic_Stories: I'm going to name the most obvious one ever, which is Titanic. The only reason I like this movie is because of Leonardo DiCaprio. Also, I know it's not part of the question but my favorite TV show is The Walking Dead. I love it so much.

 Ana: Never watched it, sounds interesting. Any cute guys?

Romantic_Stories: Ahhh…

Ana: Never mind, it looks like things are getting interesting inside. I think one of the bodyguards might have caught someone so I’ll ask one last question before letting you go inside. If you can have one super power what would it be?

Romantic_Stories: I would love to be able to read people's minds.

Ana: I wouldn’t want that one. When I asked if my bum looked big in this dress I’d be able to hear the truth.

 Romantic_Stories: Wouldn’t that be a good thing?

*The sound of desperate begging floats down the carpet*

Ana: Well, you best be getting along. Bye.

Romantic_Stories: Bye.

Ana: So if you want to check out Romantic_Stories’ story “Hello Baby.....” click on the external link on the right of the screen or you can click on the dedication picture above. Give it a read so you know your favorites come Awards voting time.

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