malin87 - nominated for best On The Rise, Werewolf

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*The camera flashes are still blinking furiously following the Celts exit. Wondering up the carpet, wondering why people are trying to take pictures from so far away is malin87, wearing some Peak Performance sweatpants and a blue t-shirt that says Let's Bounce.

  Like the rest of the crowd, Ana is watching the Celts departure and malin87 clears her throat once to get her attention. Distracted Ana glances over for a second and was about to turn back up the carpet when the impact of malin87 clothes breaks across her hormonal mind.*

Ana: Your wearing that?

malin87: I just came here after taking a long walk =) All the way from Sweden to be exact so I'd be thankful for a glass of water.

Ana: Sally!

*Sally runs over with a glass, spilling most of it in her rush. malin87 takes it with a smile but holding the cup to her lips only three drops tip out.*

Ana: Sally dear, it’s called a bottle. Maybe you can go find one.

Sally blushes, nods and runs off again.

Ana leans over conspiratorially: You get the service you pay for and she’s working for free. *Pulling back* So no date?

malin87: My date is my shadow.

*Ana pulls a face*

malin87: Don't be rude, you can see perfectly well that it's trying to look like me!! Say Hi to Mr. Shadow =P

Ana smiles weakly: Hello, Mr. Shadow… Well your story Princess and The Little Ones has been nominated for best On the rise for Werewolf. How did you react to the news?

malin87: I was on my way to work so I felt thrilled but couldn't jump all over the bus like I wanted to.

Ana: I’m sure Mr. Shadow did the jumping for you. What’s your story about?

malin87 works her dry lips: It's a humor story. I wrote it most for the humor but added it to Werewolf in the Watty. I just added a lot of cliché things to happen in it to make it fun and the end result ended up better than I thought it would be. I just hope my readers understand that it is a humor story. Even if it has a sad ending. Do you think your assistant will be back soon?

Ana shrugs: Your guess…

malin87: I have a weird obsession with water. I get panic whenever I don't have a glass of it next to me so I can drink.

Ana looks over her shoulder: Ummmm… What made you enter your story in the awards.

malin87 smiles thinly: I entered because I finished it on time. Can you see her?

Ana: Knowing Sally she might have gone to Sweden to get some for you.

malin87: They’d have water inside right?

Ana: I’m sure they would, they have pretty much everything except popcorn apparently.

malin87 starts walking backward up the carpet: Ahh, thanks for the interview. Not to be rude but…

*Turning both she and Mr. Shadow sprint up the carpet and practically assault the poor waiter who happened to be walking past the enterence.*

Ana: Note to self, never let the boss pick the interns… So that was malin87, sweet girl, not all there but sweet. To check out her story ‘Princess and The Little Ones” click on the external link on the right of the screen, or you could click on the dedication picture above. Give it a read so you know your favorites come Awards voting time.

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