Shax_Panda - nominated for On The Rise - Romance

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*The purr of the 1996 Black Camaro’s engine signals the next guest just as Roxanna finishes setting the last of Ana’s curls.*

Ana: Thanks lovely, why don’t you go inside and grab a little something for your troubles.

*Roxanna nods. She has been unable to speck since the freak snowball, elephant, skate board incident of ’98. Lucky for Ana, Roxanna doesn’t hold a grudge. 

Walking down the orange carpet in black skinny jeans with a red button down shirt, black vest and tie is Shax_Panda. On her arms is Alex Pettyfer wearing black leather pants with a white button down shirt and loose tie.*

Ana: Hi Shax_Panda. Cute date.

Shax_Panda: I know right? He plays Micah Anderson my story ‘In His Eyes’ and no he is not blind in real life. Doesn’t he look dreamy?

Ana: That’s one word for it. Right, I gotta ask, given your overall dress have you ever been confused for a guy?

Shax_Panda chuckles: If I had a nickel for every time that happens, I’d be rich! Nah, I know that I act like a guy therefore people think I’m a guy, but no I am a girl with the boobs and everything. *laughs*

Ana looks Shax_Panda up and down: If you say so… Anyhoo, you’ve been nominated for best On The Rise for Romance what’s it about?

Shax_Panda: It’s about Dimitri, a gay potter who just got out of a really bad relationship, and Micah, a blind man who is looking for someone to rent his house with. It’s focused on the obstacles one has to overcome to get that happy ending we all seek for. I’m a hopeless romantic so there is a lot of emotions and love, among other things. *winks and chuckles*

Ana: Sigh, I love romance. I wish I could get more of it. How did you react when you got the news?

Shax_Panda: To be honest I had been having a really bad week, so when I heard from elveloy that I had made it into round two… I cried! It was a river of tears down my cheeks as I danced around my room and said goodbye to my gloomy week.

Ana smiles: Can you tell me a little about yourself?  

Shax_Panda: I cannot say much about me due to the Witness Protection Program I am under, only that I’m a dreamer like everyone out there and that my stories are my way of escaping reality.

Ana: Witness Protection for what? What did you witness? What do you know? Tell us, tell us, tell us.

Shax_Panda: If I tell you, I’d have to kill you.

Ana pouts: That’s what my old boyfriend said when I asked him where he went every Saturday night. What is your favorite genre to write?

Shax_Panda: I’d say romance, because like I mentioned before I am a hopeless romantic. I yearn for those kisses that make breathing impossible and the love that overcomes everything life throws at you.

*Ana looks dreamily off into the distance. Shax_Panda has to wave her hand in front of her face to regain her attention.*

Ana: Sorry, got distracted by the thought of kisses. Do you have any messages for your fans?

Shax_Panda: I’d like to thank all my fans for their love and support from the beginning. They are the reason I am still here, thank you!

Crowd shouts: Thank you!

Shax_Panda laughs and blows kisses to the crowd: Well I think we should be moving on. Thanks for the interview Ana, bye.

Ana: Bye, Shax_Panda. If you want to give ‘In His Eyes’a read then click on the external link on the right of the screen or you can click on the dedication picture above. Give it a read so you know your favorites come Awards voting time.

Watty Awards 2012 Interviews - Round TwoOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora