aya968 - nominated for Best Undiscovered Gems, Horror

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*A stretch crimson Hummer limo pulls up as the last of the HAZMAT suits finish cleaning the carpet. Stepping out from the limo Ian Somerhalder in his still gorgeous in a black suit helps aya968 slide from the car. Dressed in a black shimmery dress she strikes a pose before walking up the carpet.*

Seeing Ian Ana Shakes her head:  Yo Betty, new bet. Which actor will make the most appearances on the orange carpet? My money’s on Ian.

aya968 comes level with Ana: What does that mean?

Betty: That there’s going to be a mother of a Jell-o fight later. Ana your on. I’ll say Chris Hemsworth.

Ana: You’re on.

aya968: I don’t understand what you mean.

Ana: That’s ok, when you watch the show from the start you’ll get it.  But enough about the near future, let’s talk about you. Your story Last Lives has been nominated for Best Undiscovered Gems for Horror. How’d you react to the news?

aya968: I jumped up and down and squealed like a pig, haha, then I just stared at the screen in astonishment and refreshed the page a few times just to make I wasn't seeing things.

Ana: Me too, but without the jumping or the screaming. What’s your story about?

aya968: The world is changing. Human kind has become an endangered species. Crimson hates what she's become and she would do anything to be normal again, to have her family again. When a delicate balance is turned upside down, she has to face the things she fears most. While trying to save the ones she cares about, she finds love in the most unexpected place. Will love cloud her judgment, or will she be able to save the one who saved her?

Ana: Sounds riveting. So what is your favorite genre to write?

aya968: Hmm horror or anything with action or violence, I can never write a happy story :p

Ana: Yeah, I know the feeling. So tell us about yourself.

aya968: I'm a girl, I'm 16, Irish, I've a dog and 2 guinea pigs, I love music, reading, writing and drawing.

Ana: Not singing? I watched a quiz type show the other day and all the contestants’ hobbies were dancing or singing or both. Anyhow, speaking of music, what CD is in your CD player at home right now?

aya968: Jason Walker - Midnight Starlight <3

Ana: Never heard of him. Sing a few bars would you.

*aya968 steps back shaking her head*

Ian Somerhalder:  ♫ Kiss me out of the bearded barley

                                   Nightly, beside the green, green grass

                                   Swing, swing, swing the spinning step

                                   You wear those shoes and I will wear that dress.

                                   Oh Oh Kiss Me. ♫

aya968: Oh *she stretches up and gives him a kiss on the cheek*

Ana: Wasn’t that a Sixpence None the Richer song?

aya968: It’s called a cover.

Ana: Really. I thought it was called Kiss me.

aya968: There is no way you can be that stupid.

Ana smiles: I can be a great many things. Well I had better be letting you go, a whole host of women will be waiting for sweet Ian here.

aya968 frowns: Bye.

Ana: Bye, so that was aya968. If you want check out her story ‘Last Lives’ click on the external link on the right of the screen or you can click on the dedication picture above. Give it a read so you know your favorites come Awards voting time.

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