DonnaSharples - nominated for best Undiscovered Gem - Science Fiction.

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*DonnaSharples rides in on the back of a Harley Davidson, Thanks the rather rough and ready driver. Thanks to her black leather-effect pants and the knee-high boots with killer heels she swings her leg over the seat in an easy motion. She looks at the crowd and takes a deep breath smoothing out her white blouse, black pearl necklace and black dangling earrings that top off her outfit. Smiling nervously she seems happy to see a few familiar faces.

   Her face lights up as she spots her date emerging from a limo. He looks a bit older but super sexy in his dark tux that accentuate his silver hair. Donna looks at him waiting for him to speak.*

His voice trembles on her name: Donna Darling.

 *She walks over and places her hand in his and together they approach the waiting Ana.*

Ana: Hi Donna. Who’s this and what’s with the separate vehicles? If he’s married and your trying to hide your affair bringing him to a televised Award show might not have been your brightest idea ever.

 DonnaSharples: Hi Ana. There's my date Alan Rickman. No comment to most of what you just said but being one to try something new I had to ride on the Harley when it was offered. That’s why I’m wearing this instead of the little black dress I left hanging on the back of my door handle.

Ana: A tiny black dress would have made your dismount a little dicey. 

Alan wiggles his eyebrows: But memorable.

*DonnaSharples lightly slaps his arm, giggling.*

Ana: I’m sure. So your story  ‘(R)Evolution’  has been nominated for best Undiscovered Gemin Science Fiction. How did you react to the news?

DonnaSharples: When a lovely friend Prisim told me, I was about to set off for some training for work. I remember my jaw hitting the floor and I squeaked. My children actually thought I'd hurt myself. I began hopping up and down with the excitement as I never in a million years thought my story would get through.

Ana looks guiltily  the news van: Yes Prisim, right. Um, what’s your story about?

DonnaSharples: It's about a young human-alien hybrid who's frightened of losing her humanity to her alien DNA. It's about her coming to grips with who she is and how she deals with the life that's been given to her.

*Alan Rickman leans in and whispers in Donna's ear, making her turn a very bright pink. She grins up at him and has a twinkle in her eye.*

Ana pulls Alan back: You can do that inside, I have more questions. DonnaSharples can you tell us a little about yourself?

DonnaSharples: Well I'm a Holistic Therapist by day, and Mother to two mess monsters. I'm form a small village in the north of England called Oswaldtwistle.

Ana: What’s Olashthisle… Oswial- Ostrich… Oh forget it. Why’d you enter the Watty’s?

DonnaSharples: I entered into the Watty’s on a whim, one of my mother's favorite quotes is "Nothing ventured, nothing gained" and here we are.

Ana: Indeed we are.

* against his chest, running his hands down her sides while leaving a trail of kisses fro her jaw to her hair line.*

Ana smacking at Alan’s hands: You do know this is a family show right?

DonnaSharples: I never would have pegged you for a prude.

Ana: I’m just jealous so many people are getting luck without me. Look fine, one last question before I lost control and dump a bucket full of ice down Alan’s tux. Got any message for your fans?

DonnaSharples: I just want to say thank you to everyone who's taken the time to read my story. I've made some wonderful friends on wattpad and their help and advice has been invaluable.

Ana: That’s nice well by-

*Alan Rickman grabs DonnaSharples by the hand, pulling her down the carpet.*

Ana: Always nice to be appreciated. Sure no problem, no thanks needed for the interview. I think I need a drink. Sally go get me a Red Bull. Anyway that was DonnaSharples. To check out her story ‘(R)Evolution” click on the external link on the right of the screen or you can click on the dedication picture above. Give it a read so you know your favorites come Awards voting time.

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