JohnS_2 - nominated for the most wanted big screen adaption

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Ana: Now I can’t allow you to… *JohnS_2 raises an eyebrow* You can’t leave… *The other eyebrow raises to meet the first* Ah… Fine I don’t think there is a polite way to say this without loosing my head but you both can’t leave yet because I have yet to interview JohnS_2.

*JohnS_2laughs. Raising a hand, halting the Assassins descending blade just millimeters from Ana’s neck.*

JohnS_2 nods: Continue.

Ana: Your story ‘Operation Red Thunder’ has been nominated for the most wanted big screen adaption. Yes?

JohnS_2.: Of course.

Ana: How did you react to the news?

JohnS_2.: As I heard the news, I spit my absinthe all over the servants. Many died. It was a very sad day.

Ana: Indeed your Majesty. May I ask what your story is about?

Sissa: it’s amazing.

JohnS_2.: Thank you my Queen. I was bored and thought of doing an elaborate Science Fiction, which utilized believable characters, a really good plotline and subtle humor. I planned on doing a really great story with lots of detail, little surprises and stunning twists. Instead, I did Red Thunder.

Ana laughs nervously: Was his Majesty fall victim to the dreaded virus Writers block?

JohnS_2.: Yes, I've had some blocks several times... I got bored with the story at least 2 or 3 times, but I also got bored with other things in real life, so I continued writing and finally found a fitting end for the story.

Ana: Marvelous. May I ask what Cd is in your cd player?

JohnS_2.: That’s a bit stalkerish isn’t it? Well, music in my PC rather then CD player - Alabama 3 with "Woke up this Morning".

Ana opens her mouth but the high whine of a motorized wheelchair catches her attention. The unicorn snorts side stepping away and JohnS_2 makes a grab for it’s mane.

The wizen old woman in the electric wheelchair snaps: Get that creature under control, Stinky.

 JohnS_2: My name’s not Stinky, Granny. I’m John remember? I’m a King for crying out loud!

Granny: Your the snort faced little boy whose ass I used to wipe every time you gave the royal nannies their many mental breakdowns. Now come and give Granny a kiss.

*Looking uncomfortable JohnS_2 bends down to give his Granny a quick kiss on the cheek. Standing up he pulls a bottle of baby oil from her handbag and smiles. Wiggling his eyebrows he throws the bottle to Queen Sissa, sitting on the unicorn and it disappears under the folds of her dress.*

JohnS_2: I’m glad you could make it Granny.

Granny: I’m missing new Sherlock Holmes for this. It better be worth my while.

Sissa: John is amazing; of course it will be worth your while.

*Granny sniffs ignoring Sissa. *

Granny: Why did you have to marry this one? You could have married that nice princess from.

JohnS_2: That’s enough Granny. No more questions, this interview is over.

Ana: But –

JohnS_2: No butts. Be gone.

*Jumping on the back of Granny’s electric wheelchair John reaches up to take Sissa’s hand and together they ride on down the carpet.*

Ana wipes her brow: Fuw. Well that was JohnS_2 if you want to check out his…. Watch it!

*The bewigged man from earlier bumps into Ana, knocking her forward as he rolls up the temporary red carpet*

Ana: As I was saying. If you want to check out John’s story ‘Operation Red Thunder’ click on the external link on the right of the screen or you can click on the dedication picture above. Give it a read so you know your favorites come Awards voting time.

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